A novel convolutional neural network model through histopathological images for the diagnosis of breast cancer
using BreakHis data
- Benign/Malignant Classification with
accuracy. - Sub-Benign Disease Classification with
accuracy. - Sub-Malignant Disease Classification with
# Typical tf.keras API usage
from breastnet import BreastNet
model = BreastNet(input_shape=..., n_classes=...)
history = model.fit(...)
All training codes and history
Evaluation Results in Accuracy, F1-Macro, ROC-AUC.. metrics
- see research folder for details.
M. Togaçar, K.B. Özkurt, B. Ergen et al., BreastNet: A novel ˘
convolutional neural network model through histopathological images for the diagnosis of breast
cancer, Physica A (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.123592 .
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