This repository holds a sample for using the OpenTelemetry Collector Builder configured with components generally useful for GCP deployments.
This repo is intended to be used as a sample demonstrating the full series of steps required to build and deploy a custom OpenTelemetry Collector with GCP.
There are public Docker images available for running the OpenTelemetry Collector, but these images can be over 40MB in size (and growing) and are packaged with many components which you may not need for your use case.
In contrast, a custom-built collector contains only the components you need, which can drastically shrink its size (down to as small as a few MB) and provide security from extraneous compiled code. This repo focuses on making it easy to build a GCP-specific collector with only those necessary components.
This repo is meant to be cloned, forked, or otherwise used within your own project. Feel free to customize the builder config, collector config, or Cloud Build steps to your needs. This repo provides a Makefile that automates many of the commands needed to interact with these files, which are described below.
- Local collector builds - Build a Collector binary or docker image locally, and push to Artifact Registry
- Collector builds with Cloud Build - Build the Collector on Cloud Build: Google's hosted CI/CD platform
- Simple GKE Deployment - Deploy a Kubernetes Deployment with a simple collector that sends metrics, logs, and traces to GCP.
for details.
Apache 2.0; see LICENSE
for details.