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Project 4-Project 9: Around The U.S.


  • Intro
  • Description and functionality
  • Technologies


  • Project 9 for the Practicum by Yandex curriculum.

  • A photo app which enables users to create/add or remove customized photo cards, view and like various travel and nature photos that other users upload as in the case of social media platforms.

Description and Functionality

  • The page contains HTML, CSS and JavaScript componenets. It is responsive to desktop and mobile screen sizes. The layout consists of flexbox and grid technologies. Also, the project follows the BEM methodology and file structure.

  • The creation of the photo cards, popups and the form validation functionality were applied through classes in Object-Oriented Programming. The code was refactored using loose coupling. The components were gathered and implemented in accordance with the modular JavaScript approach. After setting up Webpack bundling and building, JS transpilation and minification by using Babel, CSS minification and autoprefixing by using PostCSS and image/font processing were implemented.

  • The page includes photo cards which a user can add, like or remove and modal windows containing form elements which allows the user to edit the profile text content and the profile picture, lets the user view photos in detail or enables the user to create customized photo cards. These functionalities have been created via JavaScript and DOM methods.

  • The functionalities that allows users to interact with each other and uploaded/loaded data were managed by API and Asynchronous Programming.


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • BEM methodology
  • Figma
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • API
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • PostCSS

Link to the project


Project 9: Around The U.S.






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