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GrHound edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the imagemorph.c wiki!

Note: the program can only handle .ppm P6 (raw rgb). It is not a bug but a feature: it prevents dependency hell with image-format libraries in embedded and high-performance platforms.

This is a handwritten input word image from the Monk/KdK collection, the Dutch city name Zwolle. Sample input

This is the randomly morphed instance for data augmentation.

Sample randomly morphed output image

It is one sample out of a run with the parameters:

imagemorph 0.9 9 < in.ppm > out.ppm

Note that the word is still legible. The ink trace has a tremor-like appearance which hopefully covers natural handwriting variation. Note that imagemorph is not sufficient for data augmentation. We use additional shear (slant) randomization and random ink thickness using ink dilation in a deep-learning training session.

Lambert Schomaker (lrb_schomaker @

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