A complete example of a "Start-up" Project for a school assignment
what i have done:
- Simulated Start-up Concept
- Created an IOT Sensor with LoraWan Network for the comunication (Sensor - Lora Signal > Lora Gateway - TCP > Api )
- Developed API System for the realtime DB SQL DB
- Developed the Static Web Page
- Developed the Web App for the Sensor check and Analytics
More about:
|- API/ // Folder containing REST API (Realtime DB & SQL DB)
|- Old Version/ // Folder containing the old version of the API
|- database/ // Folder containing the db implementation Concept
|- gateway/ // Arduino code for the Dragino Lora Gateway (Lora Signal -> TCP)
|- sensor/ // Arduino code for the Dragino Arduino with Lora Shield (Sensor Signal -> Lora Gateway)
|- simulation/ // Data Science Analytics with Python Simulation
|- website/ // Folder containing the Website and The Platform
| |
| |- Platform/ // Folder containing the Platform Next Js Web App
| |- Static/ // Folder containing the Synapse Next Js Website
HTTP Method | URL | Description |
http://localhost:8080/sensor/addMeasure?{Serial_number}&{measure} | Add new Measure |
http://localhost:8080/sensor/getMeasure?{Serial_number} | Get all Sensor's Measures |
http://localhost:8080/sensor/get?{Serial_number} | Get Sensor Information |
http://localhost:8080/sensor/getAll/?{user_id} | Get all User's Sensors |
http://localhost:8080/user/register?{username}&{mail}&{password} | Register new User |
http://localhost:8080/user/login?{mail}&{password} | Login System |
http://localhost:8080/user/updatepassword?{mail}&{old_password}&password} | Edit the Password |