hackIDE is an online code editor, compiler and interpreter based on Django, powered by HackerEarth API! Go, hack it!
Depending on your environment you may need to install some libraries. On debian/ubuntu you will need to:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
To get your python environment environment properly set up you can create a virtual environment and use the requirements.txt file to install the proper versions of various libraries.
# Navigate to a directory of your choosing, where you will store your virtual environment.
$ mkdir virtualEnvs
$ cd virtualEnvs
$ virtualenv hackIDE_venv # we need python2. If you are using 3 by default type virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 hackIDE_venv
$ source ~/virtualEnvs/hackIDE_venv/bin/activate
$ cd /location/of/your/copy/of/hackIDE
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the server locally you will need to do two things:
- Get a hackerearth API "Client Secret Key"
- Change the hackIDE_project/settings.py file
Go to https://www.hackerearth.com/api/register/, create a HackerEarth profile and register a url. You can register http://google.com, for example. Then you will be provided with a Client Secret Key.
Change the ALLOWED_HOSTS line to
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] if not DEBUG else ['*']
$ python manage.py collectstatic
$ HE_CLIENT_SECRET=your_token_here python manage.py runserver
Then you can connect to the site at
- Add "Download code as a zipped file" option
- Implement "Save code on cloud" feature
- Explain how to get a hackerearth API key
- Implement profiling system allowing users to make their profiles and saving codes in their profiles