The AI for Intelligent Energy Systems Workshop is a 3-day workshop hosted by the Delft AI Energy Lab. The workshop explores the use of AI algorithms to solve emerging challenges in energy systems. Codes from the workshop have been provided for students and researchers. The workshop repository is organized as follows:
Large Language Models (LLMs) in Energy Markets
- Interacting with OpenAI API
- Introduction to Prompt Engineering
- Using role-playing for LLMs
- Training your own LLM with Llama and Stable Beluga2
- Fine-tuning locally trained LLM to predict electricity price
Graph Neural Networks for Power Systems
- Introduction to graphs with pytorch_geometric and networkx
- Solving common graph tasks with graph neural networks (GNN)
- Solving Optimal Power Flow (DCOPF) problem with GNN
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Power Systems
- Q-learning for Taxi-driver environment
- Deep Q networks for cart-pole environment
- DDPG for mountain car environment
- Training an intelligent battery storage system
For questions, please contact [email protected]