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Personal project of "Web Applications 1" exam at PoliTo. It is a Survey Website (React client + Express server) with final score of 30L

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Exam #1: "Survey"

Student: s281554 SMORTI MARCO

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /: this route shows all available surveys to unregistered user. If logged in, only administrator's survey are shown
  • Route /login: route to login by using credentials (email and password)
  • Route /survey/:surveyId: route to answer a survey. Only unlogged user can access it, otherwise 404 page is shown.
  • Route /admin/new: route for logged administrators only. It allows the creation of a new survey.
  • Route /admin/survey/:surveyId: route for logged administrators only. It shows answers to a specific surveyId (only if the owner is the logged user).
  • Route /404: this route will be shown in case an invalid route is requested.

API Server

  • GET /api/surveys/all
    • No parameters and/or body request
    • Gives back a JSON of all available surveys title to unregistered users
    "surveyId": 1,
    "title": "How do you move in Turin?"
    "surveyId": 2,
    "title": "How's your Web Applications I exam going?"
    "surveyId": 3,
    "title": "Do you like science?"
    "surveyId": 4,
    "title": "No answers to this survey"
  • GET /api/surveys/my
    • No parameters and/or body request
    • Show all available surveys of a logged administrator
  { surveyId: 1, title: 'How do you move in Turin?', answersNumber: 2 },
  { surveyId: 4, title: 'No answers to this survey', answersNumber: 0 }
  • GET /api/surveys
    • Id parameter of the survey to be searched
    • Search a survey through its ID for unregistered users
  "surveyId": 3,
  "userId": 3,
  "title": "Do you like science?",
  "questions": [
      "questionId": 1,
      "surveyId": 3,
      "title": "Do you watch Science fictions in TV?",
      "min": 0,
      "max": 1,
      "options": [
          "optionId": 1,
          "surveyId": 3,
          "questionId": 1,
          "text": "Yes"
          "optionId": 2,
          "surveyId": 3,
          "questionId": 1,
          "text": "No"
      "questionId": 2,
      "surveyId": 3,
      "title": "Say something about your passion for Science",
      "mandatory": 1
  "answersNumber": 1
  • POST /api/surveys/new

    • The body contains the title of the survey and the list of questions
    • Add a new survey received from a registered administrator. It gives 200 OK on success, 400 if something is missing, 500 in case of errors.
  • POST /api/surveys/answer

    • The parameter is the ID of the survey that user is answering. Body contains the name of the user plus the list of answers.
    • Add a new answer received from unregistered user. It gives 200 OK on success, 400 if something is missing, 404 if ID is wrong, 500 in case of errors.
  • GET /api/surveys/get/answers

    • Id parameter of the answers' survey to be searched
    • Show all available answers of a survey to an administrator. It gives 200 OK on success, 404 if the ID of the survey is not of property of logged administrator, 500 in case of errors.
    "name": "Carl",
    "answers": [
        "questionId": 1,
        "selOptions": [
        "questionId": 2,
        "openAnswer": "I love it!"
    "name": "Victor",
    "answers": [
        "questionId": 1,
        "selOptions": [
        "questionId": 2,
        "openAnswer": "I use bus"

Database Tables

  • Table users - contains id, email, name and hash columns of a registered administrator
  • Table surveys - contains surveyId that identifies a survey, userId to identify the owner of a survey, title of a survey, answersNumber number of answers given to that survey, questions a JSON column that contains all questions of a survey.
  • Table answers - contains answerId that identifies an answer, surveyId to match the answer to a survey, name of the user that answered, answers a JSON column that contains all answers to a survey.

Main React Components

  • SurveyNavbar (in SurveyNavbar.js): renders the navbar, welcome message and login/logout buttons based on loggedIn state property.
  • LoginForm (in LoginForm.js): renders the login page based on a form put in a Card element.
  • AdminContent (in AdminContent.js): if administrator is logged, this component is rendered and makes a call to the API to fetch available surveys of an admin
  • SurveyRow (in AdminContent.js): renders a row of a survey of the logged user by writing title, number of answers to that survey and "See answers" button.
  • UserContent (in UserContent.js): unlogged users renders this page, which makes a call to the API to fetch all available surveys.
  • SurveyRow (in UserContent.js): this object renders the title of a survey which is a link to answer that survey.
  • NotFound (in NotFound.js): this component is rendered everytime something is not found.
  • DoSurvey (in DoSurvey.js): this component gets the list of question of a survey and renders them to be answered. It contains also validation functions and an handleSubmit because the survey is rendered as a form.
  • QuestionsList (in DoSurvey.js): renders open and closed questions. It is called for each question of a survey.
  • ErrModal (in DoSurvey.js): this component is rendered only if there is a problem in the validation of the survey.
  • NameBox (in DoSurvey.js): this component is rendered before the showing of the questions and validates the name of the user (only characters, minimum length: 3).
  • ClosedQuestion (in DoSurvey.js): this components renders radio/checkbox form checks and also validates them based on min/max parameters.
  • CreateSurvey (in CreateSurvey.js): this components renders the creation of a survey, based on a form. It shows first the required title of a survey, then renders the button "add questions". When everything is validated, calls an API to send survey to server.
  • AddQuestionModal (in CreateSurvey.js): this components allows the creation of an open/closed question to a survey. It is another form which is validated and then the new question is created and added to the array.
  • ShowAnswers (in ShowAnswers.js): this component calls an API to fetch all answers to a survey. It renders also some button to navigate through the answers' array state. It is similar to DoSurvey but all questions are disabled.



Users Credentials

id email name password Surveys
1 [email protected] admin strong How do you move in Turin?
No answers to this survey
2 [email protected] rob impossible How's your Web Applications I exam going?
3 [email protected] student polito Do you like science?


Personal project of "Web Applications 1" exam at PoliTo. It is a Survey Website (React client + Express server) with final score of 30L






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