- Download latest release version and unzip to /home/pi/minecraft-sound
- edit '/usr/bin/minecraft-pi' and add sound process start and stop:
cd /opt/minecraft-pi || exit
cd /home/pi/minecraft-sound
python3 minecraft-sound.py &
echo Minecraft Sound process PID is $PID
cd /opt/minecraft-pi
if grep -q okay /proc/device-tree/soc/v3d@7ec00000/status \
/proc/device-tree/soc/firmwarekms@7e600000/status 2> /dev/null; then
export LD_PRELOAD=libbcm_host.so.1.0
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib/mesa
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib/brcm
echo stopping Minecraft Sound process
kill -KILL $PID
0.3 - GC2 version
- Program stays active after closing map or Minecraft Pi
- Automatic reconnect
0.2 - GC2 version
- Port to Python 3
- Replaced Sound with Public Domain sounds
- New sounds (splash, flying)
- Background music
- Optimizations (double jump for flying)
- Activation of explosive TNT block (by simply hit it with sword)
0.1 - first beta release by Martin O'Hanlon ([email protected]) - http://www.stuffaboutcode.com
I got bored of Minecraft on the Pi not having any sound, so I made my own! http://www.stuffaboutcode.com/2013/06/raspberry-pi-minecraft-sounds-effects.html