Development Workflow :
Coding Convention :
- Installation
git clone [email protected]:spyl94/znieh.git
php composer.phar install --dev
If you don't have composer yet :
- Checking your System Configuration
Before starting coding, make sure that your local system is properly configured for Symfony.
Execute the check.php
script from the command line:
php app/check.php
If you get any warnings or recommendations, fix them before moving on.
Make sure you have node and npm installed and setup. If you do, the following 2 commands should work.
node -v
npm -v
If these don't work, install them!
- Database
Create database :
php app/console doctrine:database:create
Create schema of database :
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Load DataFixtures : (validate with Y to continue)
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- Assets files
php app/console assets:install
You must have both node and less installed :
npm install -g less
Use npm to install bower, compass and grunt-cli :
npm install -g bower
npm install -g compass
npm install -g grunt-cli
Download the package dependencies :
npm install
Download the bower dependencies :
bower install
This should give you a populated web/assets/vendor directory.
Use grunt to initially compile the SASS files
If you don't have SASS yet, install Ruby then
gem install sass
gem install compass
Later, when you're actually developing, you will use grunt to watch for file changes and automatically re-compile:
grunt watch
- Translation
php app/console translation:extract fr --config=app
Run again for each locales (replace "fr" by the new local).
- Gameserver - app.js
In "node" repository, execute the following command to install node_modules.
npm install
Then, you have to copy the file called config.json
to config.user.json
and edit the values according to your environnement.
Finally, run the server :
node app.js
For your information, the game server runs on port 1337, and the test webpage on port 8080.
Some bonus informations :
php app/console cache:clear
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
Having composer.lock in the repository assures that each developer is using the same versions. If you update your libs, you need to commit the lockfile too. It basically states that your project is locked to those specific versions of the libs you are using.
In production you should not update your dependencies, you should run composer install which will read from the lock file and not change anything.