- TypeScript utilized for application construction
- React.ts front-end with Materials-UI integration for front-end design
- Express.ts server for back-end API routing and MongoDB access
- Back-end validation and bcrypt password hashing for User data security
- Mongoose integration for storage of User data
- Authentication and authorization via JSON Web Token stored in Users' browser cookies
Adventure Connect is an application for users within the Pacific NorthWest to create, arrange, and join Outdoor Activities.
Guest Users:
- Can view all events created within the PNW
- Can contact the organizer responsible via the provided email link to ask for participation in an event
Registered Organizers
- Users that register gain access to Organizer authorization
- Organizers are allowed to create any type of event supported, with the ability to edit and delete
- Organizers can add any guests already planning to attend at event creation
- Organizers are responsible for managing event requests from other Users wishing to participate
- Client - [Re-Deployment soon, location changing]
- Deployed through Vercel for CI/CD pipeline to auto-deploy upon changes to Main
- Server - [Re-Deployment soon, location changing]
- Deployed as separate restful API (also through Vercel CI/CD)
- CORS configured to allow access from Vercel Client URL
- Database
- Deployed through MongoDB Atlas on M0 Cluster
- Guest User Main Page
- Guest User Event Display
- Organizer Registration
- Organizer Main Page
- Event Creation Page
- Organizer's Event Display
- Coming Soon