Releases: GregHib/void
Releases · GregHib/void
What's Changed
- Add halloween equip sounds by @jarryd229 in #549
- Fix case-insensitive account files bypassing password validation by @GregHib in #551
- Added ftp general stores by @jarryd229 in #553
- Cow death and hat fixes by @GregHib in #556
- Druidic ritual quest by @jarryd229 in #554
- Add quest intro/overview dialogue interface by @GregHib in #557
- Fix small bugs by @GregHib in #560
- The restless ghost by @jarryd229 in #559
- Add npc pick-pocketing for thieving skill by @GregHib in #567
- Extend test github action timeout by @GregHib in #568
- Bug Fix - Al Kharid Passing Out Task by @DavidMBusey in #570
- Fix al-kharid gate integration tests by @GregHib in #571
- Add gnome agility courses by @GregHib in #572
- Gnome advanced agility course improvements by @GregHib in #574
- Add barbarian agility courses and barcrawl miniquest by @GregHib in #575
- Improve settings and properties by @GregHib in #577
- Improve commands by @GregHib in #578
- More settings and command fixes by @GregHib in #579
- Add the wilderness agility course by @GregHib in #581
- Make event source and targets contextual by @GregHib in #587
- Interaction delay fix by @GregHib in #588
- Convert pauses and queues with interaction delays by @GregHib in #590
- Add suspendable helper methods by @GregHib in #591
- Fix door traversal logic in Gnome Stronghold by @ekmillard in #593
- Improved naming 1 - ForceChat, RenderEmote by @GregHib in #596
- Improved naming 2 - Graphics by @GregHib in #597
- Improved naming 3 - Animations by @GregHib in #598
- Improve naming 4 - WalkTo, turn, hits and misc by @GregHib in #599
- Organise game content packages and scripts by @GregHib in #602
- More general organisation and fixes by @GregHib in #604
- Bug fixes and performance improvements by @GregHib in #608
- Add transport canoes by @GregHib in #612
- Add multi target hunt modes, sheep shearing and berry bushes by @GregHib in #613
New Contributors
- @DavidMBusey made their first contribution in #570
- @ekmillard made their first contribution in #593
Full Changelog: 1.2.4...1.3.0
What's Changed
- added wolves by @jarryd229 in #545
- Add achievement tasks and world map controls by @GregHib in #544
- Achievement task fixes by @GregHib in #546
Full Changelog: 1.2.3...1.2.4
What's Changed
- Fix bugs and networking quality of life improvements by @GregHib in #523
- Add Giant Mole by @Syntax2022 in #524
- Add sacks, baskets, essence pouches and other storage items by @GregHib in #526
- Add light source crafting, lighting, extinguishing plus Giant Mole addition by @Syntax2022 in #529
- Add runecrafting abyss by @GregHib in #530
- Rename expressions to official names by @GregHib in #531
- Fix npc sounds by @jarryd229 in #534 and #535
- Add Enter the Abyss miniquest by @GregHib in #532
- Overload fixes and revisions by @Syntax2022 in #533
- Add ourania zmi altar by @GregHib in #537
Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.2.3
What's Changed
- Add optional SQL database storage by @GregHib in #500
- Refactor networking module by @GregHib in #501
- Empting, soaking, stackable item use and other misc by @GregHib in #504
- Add conditional drop table items by @GregHib in #505
- Add Crafting Guild and Father Urhney by @jarryd229 in #507
- Make stackable items and add alternative door sounds by @GregHib in #516
- Store charges in item amounts by @GregHib in #515
- Add combination runes, dungeoneering boxes and staves by @GregHib in #520
- Add fletching skill, bows, arrows, darts, crossbows, bolts by @Zag-bop in #513
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.2.2
What's Changed
- Shooting Star Distractions and Diversion enhancement by @Zag-bop in #479
- Herblore by @Zag-bop in #481
- Fix item-on-item and github action issues by @GregHib in #491
- Update queue ticks to add combat flinching by @GregHib in #492
- Bob barter and Potion Decanting by @Zag-bop in #489
- Deflection and prayer.yml by @GregHib in #494
- Add docker images and publishing to DockerHub by @GregHib in #496
- Fix release script bundling by @GregHib in #499
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
What's Changed
- Add price checker by @GregHib in #445
- Add string ids for client scripts by @GregHib in #446
- Improve script helper functions by @GregHib in #455
- Add useful by @GregHib in #460
- Add GameObject events by @GregHib in #463
- Gunnars ground quest by @jarryd229 in #436
- Shooting Star Distractions and Diversion by @Zag-bop in #458
- Run file server earlier on startup & rename forceWalk to exactMove by @GregHib in #467
- Fix server stopping on logout by @GregHib in #476
- Replace Priority and EventStore with Events Trie by @GregHib in #471
New Contributors
- @Zag-bop made their first contribution in #458
Full Changelog: 1.1.2...1.2.0
Scripting API & QOL
Added methods which wrap around the current event subscribing api as a base for an easier to use scripting api and a stepping stone towards #324
Quality of life improvements:
- Updated kotlin, gradle and dependencies
- Lots of refactoring based on qodana, compiler and inspection warnings
- Fixed item on death wealth calculations
- Fixed creating buttery potato's with butter not milk
- Fixed missing wilderness lever pull animation
- Fixed weapon render animations
- Fixed network multi-threading #425
- Add closing dialogues on exit of interfaces with string and int entry
- Add prayer altars #430
- Fixed general stores #393
First official release - Void 1.0.2
A fully functioning server with combat, f2p skills, quests, bots and more!
See the full history of updates on the void project thread.