Read the manuscript here
contains: -
contains codes (inPython
) for main and supplementary figures -
contains main and supplementary figures -
contains codes for deep learning -
contains codes for shallow learning -
contains codes and tex files the derivation of an analytical solution for the theoretical number of motifs within one CDR/FR region -
contains codes and figures for Ramachandran angle calculations -
Analyses were primarily done using the files:
- respairs_segment_notationx* (AbDB)
- threedid_no_iglike_notationx* (3did)
Raw deep learning models and outputfiles are also available at
under DOI10.11582/2020.00060
Dataset details
Dataset title: Structural interaction motifs data files.
Date: 2019
File name:
This file contains residues pairs annotated by region (segment). Along with the structural interaction motifs for paratopes and epitopes.
pdbid: a unique identifier of an entry in Protein Data Bank (PDB).
abchain: antibody chains (light [L] and heavy [H]).
segment: antibody regions [FR1–3 and CDR1–3] with chain annotations. Follows the Martin numbering scheme.
paratope: interacting residues in a paratope.
plen: the number of residues in a paratope.
shiftset: a set containing the residue number differences in a paratope.
gapset: a set containing the number of non-interacting residues (gaps) in a paratope.
abresnumiset: a set containing the residue number in a paratope.
ab_motif: structural interaction motif of a paratope.
absegment: as in `segment`, without chain annotations.
gapstatus: gap status (0 or 1).
gapstrstatus: gap status in string (continuous or discontinuos).
ab_motiflen: the length of structural interaction motif (paratope)
ag_motiflen: the length of strctural interaction motif (epitope)
epitope: interacting residues in an epitope.
epitope_len: the number of residues in an epitope.
ag_motif: structural interaction motif of an epitope.
agresnumiset: a set containing the residue number in a paratope.
agchain: the chain of the antigen
- File formats: comma separated file (CSV).
- Versioning: All changes to this dataset may be documented in a changelog in this README document.
- A number of files in this directory were derived from this file.
File name:
motif*.tsv motif*pos*.tsv paraepi.tsv epipara.tsv
These files contain ~5000 pairs of paratope-epitope structural interaction motifs (motif*.tsv) [pos
is with position] or pairs of paratope-epitope sequences (paraepi.tsv and epipara.tsv)
epipara.tsv: first and second columns are epitope and paratope sequences respectively.
paraepi.tsv: first and second columns are paratope and epitope sequences respectively.
motif_epiparadash.tsv: first and second columns are epitope and paratope interaction motifs respectively.
motif_paraepidash.tsv: first and second columns are paratope and epitope interaction motifs respectively.
motif_epiparadash_pos.tsv: first and second columns are epitope and paratope interaction motifs respectively. With position annotation.
motif_paraepidash_pos.tsv: first and second columns are paratope and epitope interaction motifs respectively. With position annotation.
- File formats: tab separated file (TSV).
- Versioning: All changes to this dataset may be documented in a changelog in this README document.
File name:
motif*.tsv motif*pos*.tsv paraepi.tsv epipara.tsv
These files contain ~20000 pairs of paratope-epitope structural interaction motifs (motif*.tsv) [pos
is with position] or pairs of paratope-epitope sequences (paraepi.tsv and epipara.tsv). For protein-protein interaction (PPI), a motif and its interacting partner are the analog to paratope and epitope in antibody-antigen scenario.
epipara.tsv: first and second columns are epitope and paratope sequences respectively.
paraepi.tsv: first and second columns are paratope and epitope sequences respectively.
motif_epiparadash.tsv: first and second columns are epitope and paratope interaction motifs respectively.
motif_paraepidash.tsv: first and second columns are paratope and epitope interaction motifs respectively.
motif_epiparadash_pos.tsv: first and second columns are epitope and paratope interaction motifs respectively. With position annotation.
motif_paraepidash_pos.tsv: first and second columns are paratope and epitope interaction motifs respectively. With position annotation.
- File formats: tab separated file (TSV).
- Versioning: All changes to this dataset may be documented in a changelog in this README document.
File name:
These files contain atomic coordinates (atoms and residues) of an antibody-antigen complex in PDB format. Go to PDB format specification.
- File formats: protein data bank (PDB).
- Versioning: All changes to this dataset may be documented in a changelog in this README document.
File name:
The file contains residues pairs (protein-protein interaction, PPI) of all protein complex in pdb pdb version 2019_01
Go to 3did file specification.
- File formats: 3did flat file.
- Versioning: All changes to this dataset may be documented in a changelog in this README document.
2020 GreiffLab