Oversite is an open-source service written in Scala developed by the good people at Growin.
- It is a mechanism of email supervision. A user "A" grants another user "B" the capacity of acessing target chat. With this the user B has all the access to every email, within that chat, that the user A sent, received, was made CC or BCC.
Current version: 0.1
- The project:
- A RDBMS (open source relational database management system), we recommend mysql, since it was the one we used. Besides that, it is the only RDBM which is ready to use without any changes. (The table creations are in a package called sql, and the schema must be called "oversite")
- Postman to make calls to the api
First start by cloning this repository
git clone https://github.com/PedroCorreiaLuis/OverSite.git
into it -
To execute,
sbt run
Go to http://localhost:9000 to see the running web application.
OverSite is an Open-Source project developed at Growin in our offices in Lisbon.
If you have any questions, you can contact:
- Pedro Correia Luís - [email protected]
- Rui Valente - [email protected]
- Valter Fernandes - [email protected]
Or visit our website: www.growin.com
Open source licensed under the MIT License