The python program to clean and process the gaze data
- Usage: python source_dir dest_dir [whether to include titles in txt file]
- It will transform all the asc files under the source dir to txt (or csv) files, and save the generated files to the dest_dir
- An Excel file that contains the meta data of each trial will also be generated under the dest_dir
- Source Code:
- Usage: python source_dir saved_dir
- It will do statistics analysis for each trial (csv/txt files under source_dir) and save the result in an Excel file under the saved_dir
- Source Code:
- Function do_per_game_stat is not used currently, which aims to do stat for each game (one game includes many trials)
- Usage: python tar_fname csv_fname
- tar_fname: the path to the tar file including the png files of each frame
- csv_fname: the path to the txt (csv) file containing the data of each trial.
- Control:
- You can control the replay using keyboard. Try pressing esc/space/up/down/left/right.
- Use esc to safely terminate the program.
- Source Code:
- Usage: python source_dir dest_dir [whether to include titles in txt file]
- It will do both data cleaning (processing) and statistics analysis
- source_dir: the directory saving the asc files
- dest_dir: the directory saving the csv/txt and results (Excel) files.
- Source Code: