The other Swift Coroutine
library that base on apple/swift-nio.
Also glance over the brother project to get more info:
Guang1234567/Swift_Coroutine which base on GCD
This library can be used in some web framework
base on apple/swift-nio:
app.get("/hello") { req, res, _ in
let eventLoopOfRequest = req._channel.eventLoop
EventLoopFuture<Void>.coroutine(eventLoop: eventLoopOfRequest, scheduler: eventLoopOfRequest) { co in
print("workflow - before")
print("coDelay - start \(Thread.current)")
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
try co.delay(.milliseconds(2000))
let end = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
print("coDelay - end \(Thread.current) in \((end - start) * 1000) ms")
print("co.delay - Thread.current - \(Thread.current)")
// switch to IO thread for some expensive work!
// -----------------------------------------------
try co.continueOn(threadPool) // change scheduler from `eventLoopOfRequest` to `ioThreadPool`
print("co.continueOn(threadPool) - Thread.current - \(Thread.current)")
try co.yield()
print("co.continueOn(threadPool) after co.yield() - Thread.current - \(Thread.current)")
// remember switch back to request's eventLoop for `Response # send`,
// keep in mind that `Request` and `Response` must be running in the same eventloop to ensure the correctness of the timing sequence
// -----------------------------------------------
try co.continueOn(eventLoopOfRequest) // switch to IO thread for some expensive work!
print("co.continueOn(eventLoop) - Thread.current - \(Thread.current)")
res.send("Hello - delay 2000 ms")
print("workflow - end")
Server running on: [IPv6]::1/::1:1337
GET: /hello
workflow - before
coDelay - start <NSThread: 0x7fc008a0a8e0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
coDelay - end <NSThread: 0x7fc008a0a8e0>{number = 2, name = (null)} in 2005.2579641342163 ms
co.delay - Thread.current - <NSThread: 0x7fc008a0a8e0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
co.continueOn(threadPool) - Thread.current - <NSThread: 0x7fc007c16b60>{number = 3, name = (null)}
co.continueOn(threadPool) after co.yield() - Thread.current - <NSThread: 0x7fc007e07e60>{number = 4, name = (null)}
co.continueOn(eventLoop) - Thread.current - <NSThread: 0x7fc008a0a8e0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
workflow - end
chain async code style
func login(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<UserToken> {
let user = try req.auth.require(User.self)
let userTokenBeDeleted = req.auth.get(UserToken.self)
return req.application.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: req.eventLoop) {
try user.generateToken()
}.flatMap { token in
let saveToken = req.db)
.map {
if let userTokenBeDeleted = userTokenBeDeleted {
return UserToken.query(on: req.db)
.filter(\.$value == userTokenBeDeleted.value)
.delete(force: true)
.flatMap {
} else {
return saveToken
async code style
func login(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<UserToken> {
let user = try req.auth.require(User.self)
let userTokenBeDeleted = req.auth.get(UserToken.self)
let eventLoop = req.eventLoop
let ioThreadPool = req.application.threadPool
return EventLoopFuture<UserToken>.coroutine(eventLoop: eventLoop, scheduler: eventLoop) { co in
// change scheduler from `eventLoop` to `ioThreadPool`
try co.continueOn(ioThreadPool)
let token = try user.generateToken()
try co.continueOn(eventLoop)
if let userTokenBeDeleted = userTokenBeDeleted {
try UserToken.query(on: req.db)
.filter(\.$value == userTokenBeDeleted.value)
.delete(force: true)
return try req.db)
.map {
More Human readable !
Code Analysis:
- Create a
EventLoopFuture<UserToken>.coroutine(eventLoop: eventLoop, scheduler: eventLoop) { co in
// other code ...
- Thread switch
let eventLoop = req.eventLoop
let ioThreadPool = req.application.threadPool
let globalDispatchQueue =
let customQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "custom_queue", attributes: .concurrent)
// switch to io thread for some expensive work
// -----------
try co.continueOn(ioThreadPool)
// some expensive work here ...
// switch back to the request's eventloop
// -----------
try co.continueOn(eventLoop)
// switch back to the GCD's global queue
// -----------
try co.continueOn(globalDispatchQueue)
// switch back to the GCD's custom queue
// -----------
try co.continueOn(customQueue)
- Obtain
's result in a Non-Blocking way
let f: EventLoopFuture<UserToken> = req.db).map { token }.await(co)
let token: UserToken = try f.await(co)
retrun token