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Angular2 kitchen sink (RC.5)

The Ultimate Angular 2 kitchen sink Single Page App, because code samples are always better than docs!

I have mastered the perfect workflow with in browser Typescript compilation for development, just in-time browser reloads on saves, and production ready via bundling, all powered by the awesome jspm, so enjoy the fruits of my labor!

Check this working demo:

The goal behind ng2Boilerplate is to deliver an easy to start Angular 2 base application that includes the basis around what any solid single page application requires. I spent countless hours reading every Angular2 book and article I could get my hands on (so you don't have to), and built IMHO the perfect Angular2 setup...

  • The goals are
    • Best workflow for development
    • Best production process
    • Touch as many ng2 areas as possible so you can use this project as examples for source code that actually works!
    • strong modeling design via redux and immutable.js
    • Power by commonly used components (sliders, bootstrap, charts, etc)

to install:: ``` git clone cd ng2Boilerplate npm install jspm -g npm install ```
the project uses TypeScript 1.9+ since it is powered by ng2 latest router ``` npm install typescript@next --save ```
if you wish to use hot-reload so you can reload components as soon as you save for super quick development process, be sure to install the following: ``` npm install chokidar-socket-emitter --save-dev npm install http-server --save-dev jspm install systemjs-hot-reloader --dev ``` to learn more about hot-reload you can visit:
development standard mode: ``` gulp development open browser to: http://localhost:8080/src/public/index.html ```
development hot-reload mode: ``` npm run devserver open browser to: http://localhost:9089/src/public/index.html ```

production mode:

gulp production

What features of Angular does this app cover? everything:
  • Use System module mode in tsconfig and jspm.config.js for hot-reload, relative template / styles and production bundling
  • powered by the awesome (awesome awesome) jspm version 0.17 beta ( &
    • support hot-reload for the fastest component development cycle
    • in development TypeScript is compiled in real time in browser, best workflow
    • for production a jspm minified bundle is created
    • support multi version npm / github repositories
  • Gulp tasks for dev / prod, doc gen and more
    • use: gulp developer (to debug in real time (i.e.: compile TS in the browser and work close to the metal)
    • use: gulp development --restart (see below on details for best performance debugging)
    • use: gulp production (see below on details for server directory setup)
  • ng2-bootstrap components (
  • Support the awesomeness of Redux DevTool with live time travel (
  • Immutable.js ( Todo component with:
    • backend server sync
    • local redux store (
    • Extend Base class StoreModel makes working with Immutable.js a breeze and use the power of Typing
    • Using factory to always create immutable typed instances of a class
  • Advanced Routing (also support async routing if jspm bundling is not used)
  • Lazy loading with router (ngModules)
  • Sharing a global AuthService when loading via Feature module as well as when loading via Lazy route
  • Highcharts ng2 directive wrapper (
  • StarWars movie shop powered by Redux store
  • Pass custom styles to components via ngStyle and custom properties
  • jQuery integration the Angular way via BrowserDomAdapter
  • Access native HTML elements like by inserting identifiers (i.e.: #anotherWayToGetInput)
  • CommBroker dependency service, value sharing / mediator design pattern
  • Custom @Decorator (@StyleDecorator) for components
  • Use ngDoCheck with a combination of IterableDiffer or KeyValueDiffers to know when specific inputs to a component changed
  • LocalStorage service
  • Global Consts for event and vars registration
  • Responsive design (on size change Angular components will react)
  • Creation of a Component's Template from Dynamic HTML fragment (notes5)
  • Create component dynamically in runtime and pass in template (tooltip)
  • Multi slot transclusion
  • RXjs powered Custom HTTP class that extends the default Http ng2 to add new behaviour
  • Rxjs reactive operators and subscribers throughout the app (some random examples as well)
  • Rxjs Change detection strategy for improved rendering of page (OnPushObserve)
  • Rxjs Node server side CRUD for Observable client to server calls
  • Rxjs... lots more of it...
  • Different ways to load and inject dynamic components (see Notes3 component)
  • Import template into a component as a runtime string
  • Create your own custom *NgBookIf and *ngBookRepeat directives with createEmbeddedView
  • Force change detection via ref.markForCheck();
  • Embedded SVG component
  • Lots of standalone components such as Modal, Sliders, Todo, Tabs and more
  • Shared state (Side menu and file menu)
  • use module.moduleName inside component to be able to reference files paths locally (Notes1.ts)
  • use contentWrap.childNodes.length to provide a default template to component if not provided by consumer
  • use lazy loading of components when router enters path (NoteDynamic, kind of like require(...))
  • Extend the http service with an Http interceptor service
  • Dependency injection and decorators such as @Host
  • Advanced decorators such as @HostListener @ContentChildren @Injectable and more
  • Using @CanActivate we prevent user from accessing routes if not authenticated (checkout AppInjService)
  • Using @CanDeactivate to demo user prompting when navigating away from a url route segment
  • trackBy to create a custom identifier for *ngFor (trackBy:identify)
    • use nodeLogger to show ToDo items are only updated and not re-created when using our own identifier method
  • Dependency sharing
  • ES6 such as arrow functions, Map, let and more
  • Hook into application lifecycles
  • Form and validation (both via FormBuilder and manual creating Control Groups)
  • Custom validators such as PasswordMatch (@Attribute)
  • Form observables and operations including Async piping and more
  • Form promised based field validation
  • Form custom counter component compatible with both template and model forms
  • Todo data model persistence and sync to node server via CRUD
  • Subclass / Inheritance ES6 (Notes component)
  • Static shared lib and single reference file
  • Theme service (supports 3 themes including Lite, Dark and Polymer)
  • Pipes including grid sort and character counter
  • Interfaces
  • UI data binding / uni and 2 way
  • Document generation
  • and much more...


jspm is great as you get to debug close to the metal (not like Webpack all bundled up and hard to reason about) for best performance I find it's great to restart the web dev server every 30min, hence gulp + forever:

gulp development --restart
forever stopall ; forever start -a -l f.log node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js development --restart ; tail -f ~/.forever/f.log
open browser to: http://localhost:8080/src/public/index.html
alias stop='forever stopall'

this above will create a process that restarts every 30 minutes but it's transparent to you.

Another handy command to shortcut kill chrome sessions to start a fresh one is:

alias kill_chrome='ps -W | awk '\''/chrome/,NF=1'\'' | xargs kill -f'

and if you are on a Windows environment I highly recommend you work with: for the ultimate windows terminal as well as Cygwin for Linux look and feel

just my 2 cents, I spent a lot of time mastering my dev environment, so figured I will share ;)


jspm is also great for release as it bundles and minifies. to release to production

  1. change the gulp sync to your method of rsync of ftp
  2. your serve r should have the structure emitted in the 'dist' folder that is created by gulp production
  3. server hosting root is assumed to be same as dist folder (where dist/ROOT_HERE)
  4. all Typescript files are bundles where css and html are copied raw to dist folder for best performance / size ratio

All this awesomeness tx to jspm, love it!!!

Looking for even more?

checkout this enterprise level angular 2 app:


all project (non dev) dependency modules are installed in jspm_packages, however we also install them as dev dependency modules under node_modules just to make Typescript / Intellisense happy; that is until Typescript 2.0 comes out and we can get rid of non dev modules in node_modules all together.

Docs: Generated docs are@

Contributors are welcome!


A complete angular2 kitchen sink project for bootstraping any SPA






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  • JavaScript 90.2%
  • TypeScript 8.3%
  • Other 1.5%