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data is stored using variables (eggs) which are referred to using numbers. the funny thing is that they are not infinite and the turtle lays a new egg every 5 commands. eggs can hold strings and signed integers.

commands are executed line by line and after each one delay between them is increased by 0.1 seconds (starting at 0)


these are used in commands

value - any type of value;

  • if its a number then it returns a number
  • if it starts with a " then it returns a string (if its at the end of the line then everything to the right split by spaces will be considered the same string), use \n for a newline and \s for a space
  • if it starts with a $ then
    • if its followed by a number then it will return value of the egg with that number
    • if its followed by c it will return total value of eggs available
    • if its followed by n it will return the amount of eggs with nonzero values
    • if its followed by z it will return the amount of eggs with int 0's
  • if its i it will return users input
  • if its n it will return users input converted to int

$egg - $ followed by a number


comments start with `

set $egg value - sets the value of $egg to value

is value1 value2 - executes next line only if value1 is equal to value2 (those things work if next line is is, isnot, while or whilenot)

isnot value1 value2 - executes next line only if value1 is NOT equal to value2

while value1 value2 - repeats next line while value1 is equal to value2

whilenot value1 value2 - repeats next line while value1 is NOT equal to value2

out value - outputs value

turtle value - the turtle moves to line with number value (count from 0)

add value1 value2 $egg - adds value1 to value2 and saves into $egg

sub value1 value2 $egg - subtracts value2 from value1 and saves into $egg

mult value1 value2 $egg - multiplies value1 by value2 and saves into $egg

div value1 value2 $egg - divides value1 by value2 (integer division) and saves into $egg

conc value1 value2 $egg - concatenate value1 and value2 and save into $egg

toint value $egg - convert value to int if possible and save into $egg

tostr value $egg - convert value to str and save into $egg

free - you free the turtle (halt)


out "Hello, World!

this program outputs "Hello, World!"

whilenot $c 0
out i

this outputs whatever user inputs until total amount of eggs is 0, which is never so its an infinite loop

you can also do it like this

out i
turtle 0


a simple esolang made for an esolang jam







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