Simply just a prank that makes it look like you have a virus.
To edit the prank, unzip "Gyakuten's Prank", go in the folder, select "cool shit in under 700 KB!", then select "Inner Machinations". Select "BRAIN POWER.vbs" and edit it in Notepad. Here's a template. X=MsgBox("Message text",0+64,"Heading").
---------------MESSAGE BUTTONS--------------- These are before the plus. 0 = OK 1 = OK/Cancel 2 = Abort/Retry/Ignore 3 = Yes/No/Cancel 4 = Yes/No 5 = Retry/Cancel
---------------MESSAGE ICONS--------------- These are after the plus. 0 = No icon 16 = Critical 32 = Help 48 = Warning 64 = Information
You can also do this:
do X=MsgBox("Message text",0+64,"Heading") loop
I recommend that you use the loop at the end because it loops forever. Well, that is until you pull up Task Manager and press "End task".