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puppet-dpm module

Puppet Forge Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Dependencies
  3. Installation
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Usage
  6. Compatibility


The puppet-dpm module has been developed to ease the set up of a DPM installation via puppet.

It can be used to set up different DPM installations :

  • DPM Headnode ( with or without a local MySql DB)
  • DPM Disknode
  • DPM Head+Disk Node ( with or without a local MySql DB)


It relies on several puppet modules, some of them developed @ CERN and some others available from third party.

The following modules are needed in order to use this module, and they are automatically installed from puppetforge

  • lcgdm-gridftp
  • lcgdm-dmlite
  • lcgdm-lcgdm
  • lcgdm-xrootd
  • lcgdm-voms
  • puppetlabs-stdlib
  • puppetlabs-mysql
  • saz-memcached
  • CERNOps-bdii
  • puppet-fetchcrl
  • puppetlabs-firewall
  • puppetlabs-translate


The puppet-dpm module can be installed from puppetforge via

puppet module install lcgdm-dpm


The DPM components need an X509 host certificate (PEM format) to be installed on each host under /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem and /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

SELinux must be disabled on every hosts before the installation.

The local firewall is not managed by the module, please check the DPM wiki for information on which ports to open:


The module folder tests contains some examples, for instance you can set up a DPM box with both HEAD and DISK nodes with the following code snippet

   configure_repos               => true,
   configure_default_pool        => true,
   configure_default_filesystem  => true,
   localdomain                   => '',
   db_user                       => 'dpmdbuser',
   db_pass                       => 'PASS',
   db_host                       => 'localhost',
   disk_nodes                    => ['$::fqdn'],
   mysql_root_pass               => 'ROOTPASS',
   token_password                => 'kwpoMyvcusgdbyyws6gfcxhntkLoh8jilwivnivel',
   xrootd_sharedkey              => 'A32TO64CHARACTERA32TO64CHARACTER',
   site_name                     => 'CNR_DPM_TEST',
   volist                        => [dteam, lhcb],
   new_installation              => true,
   mountpoints                   => ['/srv/dpm','/srv/dpm/01'],
   pools                         => ['mypool:100M'],
   filesystems                   => ["mypool:${fqdn}:/srv/dpm/01"],

the same parameters can be configured via hiera ( see the dpm::params class)

Having the code snippet saved in a file ( i.e. dpm.pp), then you just need to run:

puppet apply dpm.pp

to have the DPM box installed and configured

Please note that it could be needed to run twice the puppet apply command in order to have all the changes correctly applied


The Headnode configuration is performed via the dpm::headnode class or in case of an installation of a Head+Disk node via the dpm::head_disknode class

   localdomain                  => '',
   db_user                      => 'dpmdbuser',
   db_pass                      => 'PASS',
   db_host                      => 'localhost',
   disk_nodes                   => [''],
   local_db                     => true,
   mysql_root_pass              => 'MYSQLROOT',
   token_password               => 'kwpoMyvcusgdbyyws6gfcxhntkLoh8jilwivnivel',
   xrootd_sharedkey             => 'A32TO64CHARACTERA32TO64CHARACTER',
   site_name                    => 'CNR_DPM_TEST',
   volist                       => [dteam, lhcb],
   new_installation             => true,
   pools                        => ['mypool:100M'],
   filesystems                  => ["mypool:${fqdn}:/srv/dpm/01"],
   #configure_legacy            => false,
   configure_dome               => true,
   configure_domeadapter        => true,
   host_dn                      => 'your headnode host cert DN',
   gridftp_redirect             => 1,
   http_macaroon_secret         => 'your_secret_string_longer_then_64_chars_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx',
   #oidc_clientid               => '< The OIDC Client ID for this service >',
   #oidc_clientsecret           => '< The OIDC Client Secret for this service >',
   #oidc_passphrase             => '< The OIDC crypto passphrase >',
   #oidc_allowissuer            => ['"/dpm" "" wlcg'],
   #oidc_allowaudience          => [''],

Each pool and filsystem specified in the pools and filesystems parameter should have the following syntax:

  • pools: 'poolname:defaultSize'
  • filesystems : 'poolname:servername:filesystem_path'

DB configuration

Depending on the DB installation ( local to the headnode or external ) there are different configuration parameters to set:

In case of a local installation the db_host parameter should be configured as localhost together with the local_db parameter set to true. While for an external DB installation the local_db parameter should be set to false.

N.B. the root DB grants for the headnode should be added manually to the DB in case of an external DB installation:


N.B. In case of an upgrade of an existing DPM installation the new_installation parameter MUST be set to false

the mysql_override_options parameter can be used to override the mysql server configuration. In general the values provided by default by the module ( via the $dpm::params::mysql_override_options var ) should be fine.

Xrootd configuration

The basic Xrootd configuration requires only to specifies the xrootd_sharedkey, which should be a 32 to 64 char long string, the same for all the cluster.

In order to configure the Xrootd Federations and the Xrootd Monitoring via the parameter dpm_xrootd_fedredirs, xrd_report and xrd_monitor please refer to the DPM-Xrootd puppet guide:

Other configuration

The Headnode is configured with the Memcache server and the related DPM plugin. In order to disable it the parameter memcached_enabled should be set to false.

As well for the WedDav frontend, installed and enabled by default but it can be disabled with webdav_enabled set to false

Other parameters are:

  • configure_bdii : enabled/disabled the configuration of Resource BDII ( default = true)
  • configure_star : enabled/disabled the configuration of APEL StAR accounting ( default = false)
  • configure_default_pool : create the pools specified in the pools paramter ( default = false)
  • configure_default_filesystem : create the filesytems specified in the filesystems parameter ( default = false)

see the Common Configuration section for the rest of configuration options


The Disknode configuration is performed via the dpm::disknode class, as follows:

   headnode_fqdn                => "HEADNODE",
   disk_nodes                   => ['$::fqdn'],
   localdomain                  => '',
   token_password               => 'TOKEN_PASSWORD',
   xrootd_sharedkey             => 'A32TO64CHARACTERKEYTESTTESTTESTTEST',
   volist                       => [dteam, lhcb],
   mountpoints                  => ['/data','/data/01'],
   #configure_legacy            => false,
   configure_dome               => true,
   configure_domeadapter        => true,
   host_dn                      => 'your disknode host cert DN',
   gridftp_redirect             => 1,

In particular the mountpoints var should include the mountpoint paths for the filesystems and the related parent folders. See the Common Configuration section for the rest of configuration options

Common configuration

VO list and mapfile

Both Head and Disk nodes should be configured vith the list of the VOs supported and the configuration input to generate the mapfile.

The parameter volist is needed to specify the supported VOs, while the groupmap parameter specifies how to map VOMS users.By default the dteam VO mapping is given, an example for the whole LHC VOs mappings is as follows:

groupmap = {
  "vomss://"            => "atlas",
  "vomss://"      => "atlas",
  "vomss://"              => "cms", 
  "vomss://"        => "cms",
  "vomss://"              => "lhcb", 
  "vomss://"        => "lhcb",
  "vomss://"             => "alice", 
  "vomss://"      => "alice",
  "vomss://"               => "ops", 
  "vomss://"         => "ops",
  "vomss://"  => "dteam",
  "vomss://"  => "dteam"

N.B. The VOMS configuraton of VO names with "." is not supported with this class (it will be ignored) therefore each vo of this type should be explicetly added to your manifest as follows:


and declared as a class like documented at

Other configuration:

  • configure_vos : enable/disable the configuration of the VOs ( default = true)
  • configure_repos : configure the yum repositories specified in the repos parameter ( default = false)
  • configure_gridmap : enable/disable the configuration of gridmap file ( default = true)
  • gridftp_redirect : enabled/disabled the GridFTP redirection functionality ( default = 0)
  • dpmmgr_user , dpmmgr_uid and dpmmgr_gid : the dpm user name , gid and uid ( default = dpmmgr, 151 and 151)
  • debug : enable/disable debug logs and coredumps for xrootd ( default = false)


The module can configure a DPM on SL6 and CentOS7/SL7

It has been tested with puppet 5 and 6

Mysql 5.1 and 5.5 are supported on SL6

MariaDB 5.5 is supported on C7