This repository holds first drafts of Guide articles as well as curriculum expansion introductions, lessons, and projects that I've contributed to the freeCodeCamp platform.
The state of the work here represents how I submitted it in any initial Pull Request before it was merged into the code base. The current status (including any PR comments, community improvements, and revisions) reside in fCC's GitHub account.
For the 2016 curriculum expansion, I created ~50 lessons and test suites for the Applied Accessibility, Debugging, and various other sections. I also performed QA on an additional ~280 challenges to conform language, create or check tests, and write a section introduction explaining the technology in plain English.
The 2019 curriculum expansion (ongoing) aims to break down a coding project line-by-line to teach the given concept. I created the projects and lessons for the JSON and D3 Map of the World sections.