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Questions for the Client

clearcom0 edited this page Sep 27, 2012 · 9 revisions

9-25-2012 - Amelia spoke with Jeff S. and Ashley P.

  1. Could the voting system be used in two rooms concurrently for separate meetings? 9-25-2012 No. Council Members wouldn't have a quorum in two meetings at once.
  2. Will voters need the option to explicitly "abstain" from a vote (to then be tracked separately from "no vote")? 9-25-2012 Maybe. They're going to get back to us about this.
  3. If a councilmember is absent, is their vote recorded as "no vote" (and does that mean "yea")? 9-25-2012 No. If they are absent, then their vote isn't counted. "7 out of 11 councilmembers voted in favor"
  4. Would a more "built in" solution where we print ipod touch mounts for each seat and leave each cabled to power be beneficial? 9-25-2012 No. They want wireless, because they think the built in solutions are more expensive.
  5. What information would be useful (but easy enough to enter quickly) on the screen where the clerk creates the vote? 9-25-2012 Everything they do is based on Agenda number, so this needs to be pre-filled, and or be able to be changed. (I think this was what Bill noticed when he watched the meeting.)
    • We were thinking title and/or note I think.
    • From their minutes, it looks like it would be good to be able to enter
      1. who made the motion and who seconded (which would be easier -- a drop down list, or type in the name?)
      2. a field to type "to approve the request by the petitioner and vote on this matter tonight." 9-25-2012 This phrase is from a zoning meeting btw, which are prehaps easier to implement electronic voting because more structured
  6. From a usability / learning-curve aspect, who should open and close votes in the system - the clerk or the mayor (or should both have the ability)? 9-25-2012 Both. The mayor doesn't need the ability to add notes. He won't be doing that.
  7. How many previous votes should be available on the clerk's main screen (available there for revoting)?
    • Answer can include just a raw number, or number of days, I guess... 9-25-2012 Potentially all for the current meeting, none from previous meetings
  8. What additional functionality should the chairperson's interface have? 9-25-2012 Ability to view the other votes for that meeting.
  9. What format / system is the agenda in prior to the start of the meeting? Being mindful of the need to insert motions on the fly, would having known agenda items pre-filled in be beneficial? 9-25-2012 3 formats - Word, PDF, A pared down text file

additional questions

  1. What can be voted on?
  2. How are the things that can be voted on identified and classified by the city, and at what point and by whom are they identified and classified (given an item number on an agenda, etc.) with the present process?
  3. Are all things that can be voted on in a given meeting already known/identified before the meeting starts, or does the meeting process (rules of order, etc.) allow for new items to be identified, and voted on in the same meeting?
  4. What is the latest point, before a vote takes place, at which the thing being voted on can be identified?
  5. If there are things that can be voted on which are not known before the meeting starts, how, when, and by whom are these things (the issue/item) recorded using the present process?
  6. How, when, and by whom are voting tallies recorded using the present process?
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