This data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).
In light of the effort required to create data packages, we request that in addition to following the CC-BY license terms, that users 1) respect the data providers, and provide helpful feedback on data quality, and 2) communicate and/or collaborate with Hakai Nearshore researchers if you are considering using this dataset for manuscripts or other forms of reporting.
Reference Citation
Froese, T., Gehman, A., Hessing-Lewis, M., and Sadlier-Brown, G. (2024).
Surfgrass Communities: Motile Invertebrate Surveys - BC Central Coast (v2.1.0)
[Data set].
This data package is a component of the Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program. The overarching objective of Hakai Nearshore research is to investigate the role of habitats and their associated communities, in the face of stress and disturbances from global climate change and local coastal perturbations.
The Rocky Intertidal program is a subset of Hakai Nearshore, and is designed to quantify change in rocky shore intertidal habitats and their associated communities. Please see the list of all Rocky Intertidal program data packages here:
This data package collects data and information relating to motile invertebrate surveys conducted in surfgrass beds on Calvert Island BC, starting in 2017. Abundance of motile invertebrates in Phyllospadix spp. was measured in quadrats along a transect at each site. For a detailed description, please see the Rocky Intertidal protocol contained in this dataset.
See the data dictionary file for a complete description of data variables, units and descriptions.
- surfgrass_motile_invertebrates-surveys.csv: Counts of motile invertebrate species quantified within 25cmx25cm quadrats at regular intervals along a transect. Transect length and location was repeated across time. Quadrat placement was not replicated through time.
- rocky_intertidal-protocol.pdf: Detailed description of field survey methods and equipment.
Contact Tyrel Froese or Alyssa Gehman at [email protected] if you have any questions.