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Create HValue (Create a new variable system variable class)
Half People edited this page Oct 22, 2023
3 revisions
- Open
- Select copy type
- If your type cannot be linearly transitioned, please select HVBool and copy and add a one.
- If you change the data, you can linearly transition,Please select HVImVec2 and copy and add a one.
- Modify name
class HVFloat/*<- Rename this*/ : public HValue
HVFloat/*<- Rename this*/(const char* Name, float init = 0, bool ExposedAsVariable_ = false, bool CanExposedAsVariable_ = true)
4.Modify variable type
(Although there are many functions as you read, please don’t worry about the brief introduction.)
Below I will modify it to ImVec4 .And where I have modified it, I will add /*<-*/
class HVImVec4 /*<-*/: public HValue
bool usecoloredit = false;
HVImVec4/*<-*/(const char* Name, ImVec4 /*<-*/init = ImVec4()/*<-*/, bool UseColorEdit = false, bool ExposedAsVariable_ = false, bool CanExposedAsVariable_ = true)
ExposedAsVariable = ExposedAsVariable_;
CanExposedAsVariable = CanExposedAsVariable_;
Name_ = Name;
InitData = new ImVec4/*<-*/(init);
Data = new ImVec4/*<-*/(init);
HaveFlagMode = true; // If your variable does not have linear interpolation function, please change it to false here.
usecoloredit = UseColorEdit;
//CanAddToTimeLine //There are two variables here that can be modified. Please modify them as needed.
//ExporsedVariableToDefault //
virtual std::string GetType()override {
return "ImVec4"/*<-*/;
virtual void DrawWidgetCallBack(const char* label) override
if (usecoloredit)/*<-*/
ImGui::ColorEdit4(label, (float*)Data,ImGuiColorEditFlags_::ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar);/*<-*/
ImGui::DragFloat4(label, (float*)Data);/*<-*/
virtual void TimeLineUpdataValueCallBack(std::vector<void*> datas, std::vector<int>keys, HAnimation::KeyFlag flag) override
if (flag == HAnimation::KeyFlag_None)
void* buffer = UseKeyFindData(datas, keys, HAnimation::CurrentSequenFrame);
if (Data && buffer != 0)
*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data = *(ImVec4*)/*<-*/buffer;
//In this function, only the data required for linear interpolation requires the following code.
else if (flag == HAnimation::KeyFlag_LinearInterpolation)
HAnimation::InterpolationInfo info = UseKeyFindT(keys, HAnimation::CurrentSequenFrame);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).x = HAnimation::LinearInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).x, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).x, info.alpha);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).y = HAnimation::LinearInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).y, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).y, info.alpha);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).z = HAnimation::LinearInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).z, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).z, info.alpha);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).w = HAnimation::LinearInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).w, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).w, info.alpha);
else if (flag == HAnimation::KeyFlag_SimpleBezierInterpolation)
HAnimation::InterpolationInfo info = UseKeyFindT(keys, HAnimation::CurrentSequenFrame);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).x = HAnimation::SimpleBezierInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).x, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).x, info.alpha);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).y = HAnimation::SimpleBezierInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).y, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).y, info.alpha);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).z = HAnimation::SimpleBezierInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).z, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).z, info.alpha);
(*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data).w = HAnimation::SimpleBezierInterpolation((*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.PreviousKey]).w, (*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/datas[info.LastOneKey]).w, info.alpha);
virtual HValue* CreateSelf(const char* Name) override {
return new HVImVec4/*<-*/(Name);
virtual std::string GetValue(void* TargetData) override
return std::string("ImVec4(").append(std::to_string((*(ImVec4*)TargetData).x)).append(",").append(std::to_string((*(ImVec4*)TargetData).y)).append(",").append(std::to_string((*(ImVec4*)TargetData).z)).append(",").append(std::to_string((*(ImVec4*)TargetData).w)).append(")");/*<-*/ //Here you need to know how to create a value to other variables when outputting this variable into a variable.
virtual HVariableExport GetVariableExport(HWidget* Widget, bool InitVariable = true, bool UseStatic = true) override
//Example code :
HVariableExport ExportBuffer;
ExportBuffer.Comment = "--ImVec4--";/*<-*/
ExportBuffer.VariableCode = std::string("\n "/*\n <-This have a TAB*/);
if (UseStatic)
ExportBuffer.VariableCode.append("static ");
ExportBuffer.VariableCode.append("ImVec4");//<-----your value type /*<-*/
ExportBuffer.VariableCode.append(" ").append(GetVariableName(Widget));
if (InitVariable && Data)
ExportBuffer.VariableCode.append(" = ").append(GetValue(Data));
return ExportBuffer;
virtual json Save() override
json J, v;
v["x"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).x;
v["y"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).y;
v["z"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).z;
v["w"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).w;
J["Value"] = v;
return J;
/*<-*/ //Here you need to modify it according to what can be saved in your variables.
virtual void Load(json J) override
json v = J["Value"];
(*(ImVec4*)Data).x = v["x"];
(*(ImVec4*)Data).y = v["y"];
(*(ImVec4*)Data).y = v["z"];
(*(ImVec4*)Data).y = v["w"];
/*<-*/ //Here you need to modify it according to what can be load in your variables.
virtual json OnlySaveData(void* data)override
json J, v;
v["x"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).x;
v["y"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).y;
v["z"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).z;
v["w"] = (*(ImVec4*)Data).w;
J["Value"] = v;
return J;
/*<-*/ //Here you need to modify it according to what can be saved in your variables.
virtual void* OnlyLoadData(json J)override
json v = J["Value"];
return new ImVec4(v["x"], v["y"],v["z"],v["w"]); /*<-*/ //Load the store and create a variable of your own target type
virtual std::string ExportTimeLineCode(std::vector<int>& keys, std::vector<void*>& datas, HAnimation::KeyFlag flag, HWidget* Widget) override
std::string ExportBuffer, buffer;
switch (flag)
case HAnimation::KeyFlag_None:
return HAnimation::CodeExportTool::DataSwitching(keys, datas, this, Widget);/*<-*/ //If your variables do not require linear interpolation, you only need this code
case HAnimation::KeyFlag_LinearInterpolation:
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::DataInterpolation("ImVec4"/*<-*/, keys, datas, this, Widget);
//According to the linear interpolation variables among your variables, .x, .y, and .z need to be modified as needed to become the Value of your variables.
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".x = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetLinearInterpolationCode(".x", this, Widget);/*<-*/
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".y = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetLinearInterpolationCode(".y", this, Widget);/*<-*/
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".z = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetLinearInterpolationCode(".z", this, Widget);/*<-*/
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".w = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetLinearInterpolationCode(".w", this, Widget);/*<-*/
case HAnimation::KeyFlag_SimpleBezierInterpolation:
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::DataInterpolation("ImVec4"/*<-*/, keys, datas, this, Widget);
//According to the linear interpolation variables among your variables, .x, .y, and .z need to be modified as needed to become the Value of your variables.
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".x = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetSimpleBezierInterpolationCode(".x", this, Widget);/*<-*/
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".y = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetSimpleBezierInterpolationCode(".y", this, Widget);/*<-*/
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".z = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetSimpleBezierInterpolationCode(".z", this, Widget);/*<-*/
ExportBuffer += "\n ";
ExportBuffer += GetVariableName(Widget);
ExportBuffer += ".w = ";
ExportBuffer += HAnimation::CodeExportTool::Interpolation::GetSimpleBezierInterpolationCode(".w", this, Widget);/*<-*/
return ExportBuffer;
ImVec4* Get()/*<-*/
return (ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data;
//Here you can optionally refer to the definition like this .It will be more convenient to use if defined in this way
ImVec4& Get()/*<-*/
return &*(ImVec4*)/*<-*/Data;