This is a program aiming to crack some CAPTCHA of several websites, which may include both traditional and deep learning method.
1. Traditional Methods
By traditional methods, we firstly need to preprocess the image like removing noises in the background, and do the slant correction if the character have some rotated angles. Then just cut out each single characters and train a classifier to recognize them.
2. Deep Learning Methods
In this program, we mainly use a Convolutional Neural Network model developed by Google, which was slightly different from LeNet-5, and was firstly desigined to extract street view house number(SVHN) from Google Map.Click here to read the origin article. Multi-digi Number Recognition from Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Torch7 is a scientific computing framework based on Lua. We can easily build any complex deep learing model using Torch7. Install torch7 by following these commands,
git clone ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps
source ~/.zshrc
OpenCV is a open source computer vision library. We use opencv to pre-process the image before we formally begin the recogize it. And we mainly use Python interface in the program. Install opencv through apt-get
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
Tornado is a Python web framewrok and asynchronous networking library. Install tornado-4.3 by pip, and using redis to connect tornado and torch7.
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-chi-sim
sudo pip install pytesseract
sudo pip install futures
sudo pip install tornado
sudo apt-get install redis-server
redis-server &
sudo pip install redis # install redis for python interface
luarocks install redis-lua # install redis for lua interface
# start service
git clone
cd captcha-web
nohup python & > logpy.txt
nohup th breaking.lua -gpuid 1 & > loglua.txt
When cracking type1 to type10 CAPTCHA, our model is always prefixed with svhn, which we have already explained up there. Follow the following steps to manually train a CAPTCHA recognizer.
Step 0: Go to the ./src/ sub derectory
cd src/
Step 1: Generate synthetic pictures with labels
# to see how to use engine
python -h
# generate 1000 type 2 pictures, saving in ../trainpic/type2/
python -t 2 -n 1000 -d ../trainpic/type2
python -t 6 -n 1000 -d ../trainpic/type6
Step 2: Dump full data set
-- to see how to dump data
th svhn_dump.lua -h
-- dump 1000 type 2 picture for every font
th svhn_dump.lua -persize 1000 -type 2 -datadir ../trainpic/type2 -savename type2_1000.dat
th svhn_dump.lua -persize 1000 -type 6 -datadir ../trainpic/type6 -savename type6_1000.dat
Step 3: Train the model
-- to see how to train a model
th svhn_train.lua -h
-- using GPU-2(start from 1) to train a CNN model from type1 CAPTCHA
th svhn_train.lua -gpuid 2 -type 1 -dataname type1_data.dat -savename model_type1.t7
th svhn_train.lua -gpuid 2 -type 6 -dataname type6_1000.dat -savename model_type6.t7
Some type of Captcha has fixed position of every character we need to crack, so we can cut out and use any simple classifier to recognize them. But the pre-process is essential and important. Our type4 Captcha, including four websites belonging to four provinces, can be cracked by this way. Type4 Captcha including chongqing(chq), gansu(gs), ningxia(nx) and tianjin(tj). Here are some details.
Step 0:
cd src/
Step 1: Generate some pictures with labels
python chq
python gs
python nx
python tj
This script will generate some pictures under ./trainpic/type4/
Step 2: dump data before training
th type4_dump.lua -province chq -typename num
th type4_dump.lua -province chq -typename symb
th type4_dump.lua -province gs -typename num
th type4_dump.lua -province gs -typename symb
th type4_dump.lua -province nx -typename num
th type4_dump.lua -province nx -typename symb
th type4_dump.lua -province tj -typename num
th type4_dump.lua -province tj -typename symb
You can manually move the *.dat to ../data/ for better directory organization.
Step 3: training
th type4_train.lua -maxiters 300 -model chq -type num -datpath ../data/type4_chq_num.dat
Step 4: prediction We have 200 pictures without labels prepared for prediction. Or you can just predict just one picture.
th -province chq -picpath ../testpic/type4/chq/5000.png
th -province chq