Looks through the geegeereg website for available uOtttawa gym slots, providing an easy select menu to book ✅
(Only Supports Minto Gym at the moment)🚨
You will need the following:
- Python
- pip
- Selenium
- ChromeWebDriver
- Latest Chrome version
In terminal type:
python3 get-pip.py
In terminal type:
pip3 install -U selenium
brew install --cask chromedriver
Go to the following website and download the correct version for your mac
Then simply unpack the folder and run the bash inside
Run the python script using the terminal/cmd
python3 GeeGeeRegFiller.py
Follow the terminal instructions and enjoy working out!
The script stops at the checkout screen so you can double check details before submitting!
This is a problem with the website itself to fix simply click on the url bar and press enter.
You may need to do this a second time after the webpage closes to display times
Do not click away from the browser while it is running
Relaunch the program
empty your cart