The following are examples of a polynomial of a single variable (一元多項式):
x² − 4x + 7 //polynomial 1
0 //polynomial 2
The first polynomial has three terms(項): x², − 4x and 7; The second polynomial has one term 0. As can be seen, each term is represented by a pair of numbers: the coefficient (係數) of the variable and the exponent (冪次) of the variable . For example, the term x² is represented by the term (1, 2) because it has coefficient 1 and exponent 2. Similarly, − 4x, and 7 are represented by (-4,1) and (7,0), respectively; and the polynomial 0 has one term represented by (0,0).
Please write unit tests in "test/test_term.h" and "test/test_polynomial.h", and implement two classes, the class "Term" in "src/term.h" file and the class "Polynomial" in "src/polynomial.h" file, according to the following requirements.
Please push your program to your gitlab account and go to Jenkins to check the execution result.
Please pack your terms into the polynomial in ascending power. For example:
6x³ - 3x² + 3 <=> { (3, 0), (0, 1), (-3, 2), (6, 3) }
2x <=> { (0, 0), (2, 1) }
4x² <=> { (0, 0), (0, 1), (4, 2) }
For the destructor, you need to make sure that no memory leaks appear in your program.
Please use deep copy to write your copyConstructor.
Prototypes of classes and functions:
class Term {
Term () {...} //( 5%)constructor1
Term (double coef, int exp) {...} //( 5%)constructor2
double coefficient() const {...} //( 5%)get the coefficient
int exponent() const {...} //( 5%)get the exponent
bool operator == (Term const & t) const {...} //( 5%)"equal to" operator
Term operator * (Term const & t) const {...} //(10%)"multiply" operator
bool isZero() const {...} //( 5%)check if it is zero
class Polynomial {
Polynomial (Term * const ts, int ts_size, int degree) {...} //(10%)constructor
Polynomial (const Polynomial & p) {...) //( 5%)copyConstructor
~Polynomial(){...} //( 5%)destructor
Polynomial operator = (const Polynomial & p) {...} //(10%)copyAssignment
Term term(int degree) const {...} //( 5%)get a term by degree
/*If the term is not exist, please also return a term like (0, degree)*/
int degreeOfPolynomial() const {...} //( 5%)get the degree
void multiplyByTerm(Term t) {...} //(10%)multiply by a term
Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial & p, const Polynomial & q){...}//(10%)
/*"addition" operator, please implement it outside the polynomial class*/
- Make sure your code are writen in the correct file.
- All parts of the score will be divided into three parts: code(40%), self unit tests(20%), TA's unit tests(40%).
- You can use this makefile
Resources allowed to use
- Prescribed Dictionary
- Your own c++ reference book (Don't share with others!).
- Your own homework commit history.
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