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Ollama for Unity

A series of functions wrapping the ollama APIs, mainly for use in Unity


The user's system needs to have a working ollama setup already:

  1. Download and Install ollama
  2. Pull a model of choice from the model library
    • Recommend llama3 for general text conversation
      ollama pull llama3
    • For coding-related inquiries, also try out stable-code
      ollama pull stable-code
    • Recommend llava for image captioning
      ollama pull llava:13b
    • Recommend mxbai-embed-large for embeddings
      ollama pull mxbai-embed-large

In Unity, you also need the Newtonsoft.Json package:

  • Unity Editor -> Window -> Package Manager -> + -> Add package by name -> com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json


All functions below are asynchronous. Simply call the functions under the Ollama class. Two demo scripts showcasing how to use each function are included.

  • List()
    • Return an array of all available models that you can pass to other functions below
  • ListCategorized()
    • Return two arrays, regular text models (eg. llama3) and multimodal models that can handle image inputs (eg. llava), separately instead
  • Generate()
    • The most basic function that returns the response when given a prompt
  • GenerateStream()
    • The stream variant that passes each word as soon as it's ready (like ChatGPT). Requires a callback to handle the texts.
  • GenerateWithImage()
    • Generate a response based on an image. Requires a multimodal model (eg. llava). Supports UnityEngine's Texture2D directly.
  • GenerateWithImageStream()
    • Same as above
  • GenerateJson()
    • Give a class / struct format for the model to reply in
    • Important: You need to manually tell the model to reply in JSON format in the prompt as well
  • Chat()
    • Same as Generate(), but with the memory of prior chat history, thus allowing you to further ask about previous conversations. Requires either InitChat() or LoadChatHistory() to be called first.
    • Example:
      >> Tell me a joke
      >> Explain the joke
  • ChatStream()
    • Same as above
  • ChatWithImage()
    • Same as above
  • ChatWithImageStream()
    • Same as above
  • InitChat()
    • Initialize / Reset the chat history
    • historyLimit: The number of messages to keep in memory (defaults to 16)
  • SaveChatHistory()
    • Save the current chat history to the specified path (defaults to Application.persistentDataPath)
  • LoadChatHistory()
    • Load the chat history from the specified path (defaults to Application.persistentDataPath). Will simply initialize if the file does not exist.

Note: All model-related functions (eg. create, copy, pull, etc.) will not be implemented

Retrieval Augmented Generation


Based on ChromaDB

  • Ask()
    • Ask a question based on the given context. Requires the following to be called first.
  • InitRAG()
    • Start the ChromaDB server and initialize the database
    • pythonPath: The path to the Python folder. See Prerequisite.
    • authToken: ChromaDB allows you to set a password to prevent other users from accessing the database.
  • AppendData()
    • Give the context (eg. a document) to perform RAG on


This repo comes with an Editor script that helps you install the necessary self-contained Python environment for running the ChromaDB.

Simply go to the Editor, click Ollama in the toolbar, then click Obtain Python. Specify a path to store the environment, then click the 2 install buttons.

Afterwards, when you call InitRAG, remember to pass in the path to the python folder.


  • AskChat()
    • Ask a question based on the given context as well as chat history


Ollama API bindings for Unity






