CS-433 Machine learning project2 team repo
- datasets
- test_data.txt
- train_neg_full.txt
- train_pos_full.txt
- Map_Dataset.py
- Run.py # train and predict using different methods and create output .csv
- Text_Processing.py
- Run.py # train and predict using different methods and create output .csv
- Transformer
- Run.py # train and predict using different methods and create output .csv
Data files are too big to push. We ignored them when committing.
Download the data files from AIcrowd, rename the folder to datasets. (see project structure)
If you want to test LSTM:
cd to /LSTM
run the following command:
python Run.py
- If you want to test SVM:
cd to /SVM
run the following command:
python Run.py
- If you want to test Transformer:
cd to /Transformer
if you want to test "early stop" trick:
- in Run.py set variable "is_early_stop" = True
if you want to test "sweep" models:
- in Run.py set variable "is_sweep" = True
in Run.py set variable "model_sequence" with different value to test different models
- value 1 for "bert" model
- value 2 for "roberta" model
- value 3 for "xlnet" model
run the following command:
python Run.py
- After training and testing finish, you should find a prediction.csv