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Gulp tasks

A collection of configurable tasks that can be used to generate most of the necessary frontend assets like css, javascript, fonticons and more…

Install with npm

npm install connectholland-gulp-tasks --save-dev


'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp');
var taskLoader = require('gulp-simple-task-loader');
var config = require('./config.json');

// Load the tasks usingthe taskloader
    taskDirectory: 'node_modules/connectholland-gulp-tasks/tasks',
    config: config
}, gulp);



    "default_tasks": [
    "install_tasks": ["icons"],
    "production": true,
    "sass": {
        "src": [
        "dest": "web/assets/css",
        "watch": [
        "includePaths": [
        "autoprefix": [
            "last 2 versions"
    "javascript": {
        "items": [
                "src": [
                "outputname": "body.min.js",
                "dest": "web/assets/javascript/"
        "watch": [
    "icons": {
        "src": [
        "dest": "web/assets/fonts/",
        "webpath": "/assets/fonts/"

This is a basic configuration that can be used as an example to get started on setting this up for your own project


The tasks that will be run if you type gulp or gulp watch


The tasks that will be run if you type gulp install


if set to true all outputed files are optimized for production when running gulp. this setting is overwritten to false if you run gulp watch


all the settings for other tasks like sass, javascript & icons are defined below.

Sass task

Add the following to the config.json

"sass": {
        "src": [
        "dest": "../../web/assets/css",
        "watch": [
        "includePaths": [
        "autoprefix": [
            "last 2 versions",
            "IE >= 8"

###scss-lint To disable linting or to use a custom config file, you can add a linting object

"sass": {
        "linting": {
            "enabled": false,
            "configfile": ".scss-lint.yml"

Javascript task

To use the EcmaScript 2015 (ES6) transpiling or to enable the javascript linter, you must enable it in the config file

Example configuration:

    "javascript": {
        "items": [
                "src": [
                "outputname": "app.js",
                "dest": "../../web/assets/javascript/",
                "options": {},
                "es2015": true,
                "lint": true

Inline images task

With the task inline-images you can create a 'sprite' of inline css images. The task generates an scss file with the inline-image($name) mixin and .inline-image-* css classes.

Example configuration of config.json:

    "inline-images": {
        "src": [

icons task

With the icons tasks it's possible to convert a set of svg's to a font family. The result is a folder with fonts and an scss file with variables and mixins that can be used to use it in your project.

Example configuration:

"icons": {
        "src": [
        "formats": ["ttf", "eot", "woff", "svg", "woff2"], 
        "dest": "web/assets/fonts/",
        "webpath": "/assets/fonts/"
  • src the path to the source svg's.
  • formats (not required) but can be used to overwrite the font types that are generated (ttf, eot, woff, svg, woff2 is the default).
  • dest the path on the disk where the font will be placed
  • webpath the path used by the browser to request the fonts