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Acquisition and reconstruction of 3D stack-of-spirals data

sosp3d package

The folder sosp3d contains Python code to acquire (work in progress) and reconstruct 3D stack-of-spirals data. The steps to set up a Python environment and install the necessary Python packages are detailed in the README file of the sosp3d/ folder. The reconstruction code requires

  • k-space data
  • k-space locations of acquired spiral trajectories
  • sensitivity maps
  • B0 maps (optional; needed for off-resonance correction)

The above data can be provided in the form of separate h5 files or PyTorch tensors directly. The format of the necessary h5 files or tensors are given in sosp3d/recon/


Clone this git repo locally using git clone. Set up a Python environment on your system. Instructions to set up a Conda environment for Python, are detailed in sosp3d/ Follow the instructions in sosp3d/ and set up a separate Conda environment for this project (and name it something relevant like sosp3d_env). For users who already have their k-space data, trajectory data, sensitivity maps etc. in the form of h5 files, you can move on to the next step (Usage).

For users that are starting out with P-files and .mod files for data acquired on GE scanners, we also provide some MATLAB code in the GE/ folder to generate the h5 files required for reconstruction. GE/ contains instructions to install the MATLAB toolboxes necessary to read in GE data. We hope to include similar steps for other vendors in the future (for e.g., Siemens).


Once the Python environment is set up, the next step is to get the data ready for reconstruction. An example script is given in examples/ The recon code expects the following h5 files (the files themselves can be arbitrarily named, but the datasets within them have to be named as given below):

  1. h5 file containing k-space data, with 2 datasets called /kdata_r and /kdata_i each of size [(nbatch), ncoil, nshot, nread], representing the real and imaginary parts of the k-space data

  2. h5 file containing spiral trajectories (in radians), with a dataset called /ktraj, of size [(nbatch), 3, nshot, nread]

  3. h5 file with 2 datasets called /smaps_r and /smaps_i each of size [(nbatch), ncoil, nx, ny, nz], containing the real and imaginary parts of the sensitivity maps

  4. (Optional) h5 file with a dataset called /b0maps, of size [(nbatch), nx, ny, nz], that contains fieldmaps (in Hz)

Here, nbatch = (optional) batch dimension, ncoil = number of coils, nshot = number of spiral shots, nread = number of samples in each spiral readout, nx ny nz = image matrix size. The helpers/ folder contains MATLAB code to estimate sensitivity maps and fieldmaps from separately acquired data. There are other packages for fieldmap estimation, for e.g., MRIFieldmaps.jl is a Julia-based package for regularized fieldmap estimation in MRI.

To run the reconstruction routines, navigate to the folder where this Git repository is locally cloned. Activate the relevant Conda environment using the command conda activate sosp3d_env (assuming that the user installed a new Conda environment called sosp3d_env as per the Installation instructions above). Enter the Python environment by running the command python. Run the code below, from the Python commandline (by changing the paths to where your h5 files reside). Note: Alternatively, you can copy the code below into a script (say and run it directly from the shell using python

import torch
from sosp3d.recon import sosp3d_cgsense, setup_recondata, undersample_sosp_data

# read in h5 files and create PyTorch tensors 
# Note: paths to be modified by user (or set to None)
kdata, ktraj, smaps, b0maps = setup_recondata("path/to/kdata.h5", "path/to/ktraj.h5",\
"path/to/smaps.h5", "path/to/b0maps.h5", device=torch.device('cuda:0'))
kdata_us, ktraj_us = undersample_sosp_data(kdata, ktraj, 3, istart=0)

# recon
xrec_B0 = sosp3d_cgsense(kdata_us, ktraj_us, smaps, b0maps=b0maps, mri_forw_args={'numpoints': (6,6,1), 'L': 36})
xrec_noB0 = sosp3d_cgsense(kdata_us, ktraj_us, smaps, b0maps=None, mri_forw_args={'numpoints': (6,6,1)})

To visualize the reconstructed images and fieldmaps, use the im function from sosp3d.utils and run the following lines. To save the figure to a file, pass in a filepath using the savepath argument.

from sosp3d.utils import im

# reconstructed images without and with B0 correction (side-by-side)
xrec_combined =[xrec_noB0, xrec_B0], dim=2)
im(torch.abs(xrec_combined[0, ...,12:-1:4]).squeeze(), (2,3), transpose=True)

# fieldmap visualization
im(b0maps[...,12:-1:4].squeeze(), (2,3), transpose=True, cbar=True, cmap='viridis')

To play around with the reconstruction code, please reach out to Jon-Fredrik Nielsen ([email protected]) or Naveen Murthy ([email protected]), and we would be happy to provide a link to a 3D stack-of-spirals dataset acquired on our GE 3T scanner at University of Michigan. Reconstruction results (with and without off-resonance correction) are shown below for 4 slices; using the example script in examples/

Recon with off-resonance correction


If this code is useful for your research, please cite:

  title={{MIRTorch}: A {PyTorch}-powered Differentiable Toolbox for Fast Image Reconstruction and Scan Protocol Optimization},
  author={Wang, Guanhua and Shah, Neel and Zhu, Keyue and Noll, Douglas C. and Fessler, Jeffrey A.},
  booktitle={Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. (ISMRM)},
 author = {J. A. Fessler and S. Lee and V. T. Olafsson and H. R. Shi and D. C. Noll},
 title = {Toeplitz-based iterative image reconstruction for {MRI} with correction for magnetic field inhomogeneity},
 journal = {{IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.}},
 volume = 53,
 number = 9,
 pages = {{3393--402}},
 month = sep,
 doi = {10.1109/TSP.2005.853152},
 year = 2005


3d stack-of-spirals MRI






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