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add g.root_typer
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Simn committed Feb 3, 2024
1 parent 3ed7906 commit 9e0c7e4
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Showing 6 changed files with 66 additions and 61 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,15 +239,15 @@ let load_display_file_standalone (ctx : Typecore.typer) file =
let dir = ExtString.String.join (if path.backslash then "\\" else "/") parts in
com.class_paths#add (new ClassPath.directory_class_path dir User)
ignore(TypeloadModule.type_module ctx (pack,name) file ~dont_check_path:true decls null_pos)
ignore(TypeloadModule.type_module ctx.g (pack,name) file ~dont_check_path:true decls null_pos)

let load_display_content_standalone (ctx : Typecore.typer) input =
let com = in
let file = file_input_marker in
let p = {pfile = file; pmin = 0; pmax = 0} in
let parsed = TypeloadParse.parse_file_from_string com file p input in
let pack,decls = TypeloadParse.handle_parser_result com p parsed in
ignore(TypeloadModule.type_module ctx (pack,"?DISPLAY") file ~dont_check_path:true decls p)
ignore(TypeloadModule.type_module ctx.g (pack,"?DISPLAY") file ~dont_check_path:true decls p)

(* 4. Display processing before typing *)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/context/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let check_display_file ctx cs =
begin match !TypeloadCacheHook.type_module_hook path null_pos with
| NoModule | BadModule _ -> raise Not_found
| BinaryModule mc ->
let api = (new TypeloadModule.hxb_reader_api_typeload ctx TypeloadModule.load_module' p :> HxbReaderApi.hxb_reader_api) in
let api = (new TypeloadModule.hxb_reader_api_typeload ctx.g TypeloadModule.load_module' p :> HxbReaderApi.hxb_reader_api) in
let reader = new HxbReader.hxb_reader path in
let m = reader#read_chunks api mc.mc_chunks in
Expand Down
49 changes: 26 additions & 23 deletions src/context/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ type typer_globals = {
mutable build_count : int;
mutable t_dynamic_def : Type.t;
mutable delayed_display : DisplayTypes.display_exception_kind option;
root_typer : typer;
(* api *)
do_macro : typer -> macro_mode -> path -> string -> expr list -> pos -> macro_result;
do_load_macro : typer -> bool -> path -> string -> pos -> ((string * bool * t) list * t * tclass * Type.tclass_field);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,20 +184,22 @@ and monomorphs = {

module TyperManager = struct
let create com g m c f e pass params = {
com = com;
g = g;
t = com.basic;
m = m;
c = c;
f = f;
e = e;
pass = pass;
allow_inline = true;
allow_transform = true;
type_params = params;
memory_marker = memory_marker;
let create ctx m c f e pass params =
let new_ctx = {
com =;
g = ctx.g;
t =;
m = m;
c = c;
f = f;
e = e;
pass = pass;
allow_inline = true;
allow_transform = true;
type_params = params;
memory_marker = memory_marker;
} in

let create_ctx_c c =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,50 +243,50 @@ module TyperManager = struct
macro_depth = 0;

let create_for_module com g m =
let clone_for_module ctx m =
let c = create_ctx_c null_class in
let f = create_ctx_f null_field in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create com g m c f e PBuildModule []
create ctx m c f e PBuildModule []

let clone_for_class ctx c =
let c = create_ctx_c c in
let f = create_ctx_f null_field in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
let params = match c.curclass.cl_kind with KAbstractImpl a -> a.a_params | _ -> c.curclass.cl_params in
create ctx.g ctx.m c f e PBuildClass params
create ctx ctx.m c f e PBuildClass params

let clone_for_enum ctx en =
let c = create_ctx_c null_class in
let f = create_ctx_f null_field in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create ctx.g ctx.m c f e PBuildModule en.e_params
create ctx ctx.m c f e PBuildModule en.e_params

let clone_for_typedef ctx td =
let c = create_ctx_c null_class in
let f = create_ctx_f null_field in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create ctx.g ctx.m c f e PBuildModule td.t_params
create ctx ctx.m c f e PBuildModule td.t_params

let clone_for_abstract ctx a =
let c = create_ctx_c null_class in
let f = create_ctx_f null_field in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create ctx.g ctx.m c f e PBuildModule a.a_params
create ctx ctx.m c f e PBuildModule a.a_params

let clone_for_field ctx cf params =
let f = create_ctx_f cf in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create ctx.g ctx.m ctx.c f e PBuildClass params
create ctx ctx.m ctx.c f e PBuildClass params

let clone_for_enum_field ctx params =
let f = create_ctx_f null_field in
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create ctx.g ctx.m ctx.c f e PBuildClass params
create ctx ctx.m ctx.c f e PBuildClass params

let clone_for_expr ctx =
let e = create_ctx_e () in
create ctx.g ctx.m ctx.c ctx.f e PTypeField ctx.type_params
create ctx ctx.m ctx.c ctx.f e PTypeField ctx.type_params

type field_host =
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ let make_macro_api ctx mctx p =
let add is_macro ctx =
let mdep = Option.map_default (fun s -> TypeloadModule.load_module ctx (parse_path s) pos) ctx.m.curmod mdep in
let mnew = TypeloadModule.type_module ctx ~dont_check_path:(has_native_meta) m (Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path mdep.m_extra.m_file) [tdef,pos] pos in
let mnew = TypeloadModule.type_module ctx.g ~dont_check_path:(has_native_meta) m (Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path mdep.m_extra.m_file) [tdef,pos] pos in
mnew.m_extra.m_kind <- if is_macro then MMacro else MFake;
add_dependency mnew mdep;;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ let make_macro_api ctx mctx p =
let m = mpath in
ignore(TypeloadModule.type_types_into_module ctx.g m types pos)
with Not_found ->
let mnew = TypeloadModule.type_module ctx mpath (Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path ctx.m.curmod.m_extra.m_file) types pos in
let mnew = TypeloadModule.type_module ctx.g mpath (Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path ctx.m.curmod.m_extra.m_file) types pos in
mnew.m_extra.m_kind <- MFake;
add_dependency mnew ctx.m.curmod;;
Expand Down
65 changes: 33 additions & 32 deletions src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ let make_curmod com g m =
Creates a module context for [m] and types [tdecls] using it.
let type_types_into_module com g m tdecls p =
let ctx_m = TyperManager.create_for_module com g (make_curmod com g m) in
let ctx_m = TyperManager.clone_for_module g.root_typer (make_curmod com g m) in
let decls,tdecls = ModuleLevel.create_module_types ctx_m m tdecls p in
let types = fst decls in
(* During the initial module_lut#add in type_module, m has no m_types yet by design.
Expand All @@ -716,11 +716,11 @@ let type_types_into_module com g m tdecls p =
Creates a new module and types [tdecls] into it.
let type_module ctx_from mpath file ?(dont_check_path=false) ?(is_extern=false) tdecls p =
let m = ModuleLevel.make_module ctx_from.g mpath file p in m.m_path m;
let tdecls = ModuleLevel.handle_import_hx ctx_from.g m tdecls p in
let ctx_m = type_types_into_module ctx_from.g m tdecls p in
let type_module com g mpath file ?(dont_check_path=false) ?(is_extern=false) tdecls p =
let m = ModuleLevel.make_module com g mpath file p in
com.module_lut#add m.m_path m;
let tdecls = ModuleLevel.handle_import_hx com g m tdecls p in
let ctx_m = type_types_into_module com g m tdecls p in
if is_extern then m.m_extra.m_kind <- MExtern else if not dont_check_path then Naming.check_module_path m.m_path p;

Expand All @@ -729,27 +729,28 @@ let type_module ctx_from mpath file ?(dont_check_path=false) ?(is_extern=false)
Std.finally timer (type_module ctx mpath file ~is_extern tdecls) p *)

class hxb_reader_api_typeload
(ctx : typer)
(load_module : typer -> path -> pos -> module_def)
(com : context)
(g : typer_globals)
(load_module : context -> typer_globals -> path -> pos -> module_def)
(p : pos)
= object(self)
method make_module (path : path) (file : string) =
let m = ModuleLevel.make_module ctx.g path file p in
let m = ModuleLevel.make_module com g path file p in
m.m_extra.m_processed <- 1;

method add_module (m : module_def) = m.m_path m
com.module_lut#add m.m_path m

method resolve_type (pack : string list) (mname : string) (tname : string) =
let m = load_module ctx (pack,mname) p in
let m = load_module com g (pack,mname) p in
List.find (fun t -> snd (t_path t) = tname) m.m_types

method resolve_module (path : path) =
load_module ctx path p
load_module com g path p

method basic_types =

method get_var_id (i : int) =
(* The v_id in .hxb has no relation to this context, make a new one. *)
Expand All @@ -758,22 +759,22 @@ class hxb_reader_api_typeload

method read_expression_eagerly (cf : tclass_field) = || match cf.cf_kind with
com.is_macro_context || match cf.cf_kind with
| Var _ ->
| Method _ ->
delay ctx.g PTypeField (fun () -> ignore(follow cf.cf_type));
delay g PTypeField (fun () -> ignore(follow cf.cf_type));

let rec load_hxb_module ctx path p =
let rec load_hxb_module com g path p =
let read file bytes =
let api = (new hxb_reader_api_typeload ctx load_module' p :> HxbReaderApi.hxb_reader_api) in
let reader = new HxbReader.hxb_reader path in
let api = (new hxb_reader_api_typeload com g load_module' p :> HxbReaderApi.hxb_reader_api) in
let reader = new HxbReader.hxb_reader path com.hxb_reader_stats in
let read = reader#read api bytes in
let m = read EOT in
delay ctx.g PConnectField (fun () ->
delay g PConnectField (fun () ->
ignore(read EOM);
Expand All @@ -783,7 +784,7 @@ let rec load_hxb_module ctx path p =
Printf.eprintf " => %s\n%s\n" msg stack;
raise e
let target = Common.platform_name_macro in
let target = Common.platform_name_macro com in
let rec loop l = match l with
| hxb_lib :: l ->
begin match hxb_lib#get_bytes target path with
Expand All @@ -795,49 +796,49 @@ let rec load_hxb_module ctx path p =
| [] ->
raise Not_found
loop com.hxb_libs

and load_module' ctx m p =
and load_module' com g m p =
(* Check current context *) m
com.module_lut#find m
with Not_found ->
(* Check cache *)
match !TypeloadCacheHook.type_module_hook m p with
match !TypeloadCacheHook.type_module_hook com m p with
| GoodModule m ->
| BinaryModule _ ->
die "" __LOC__ (* The server builds those *)
| NoModule | BadModule _ -> try
load_hxb_module ctx m p
load_hxb_module com g m p
with Not_found ->
let raise_not_found () = raise_error_msg (Module_not_found m) p in
if m then raise_not_found();
if ctx.g.load_only_cached_modules then raise_not_found();
if com.module_nonexistent_lut#mem m then raise_not_found();
if g.load_only_cached_modules then raise_not_found();
let is_extern = ref false in
let file, decls = try
(* Try parsing *)
let rfile,decls = TypeloadParse.parse_module m p in
let rfile,decls = TypeloadParse.parse_module com m p in
with Not_found ->
(* Nothing to parse, try loading extern type *)
let rec loop = function
| [] -> m true;
com.module_nonexistent_lut#add m true;
| (file,load) :: l ->
match load m p with
| None -> loop l
| Some (_,a) -> file, a
is_extern := true;
loop com.load_extern_type
let is_extern = !is_extern in
type_module ctx m file ~is_extern decls p
type_module com g m file ~is_extern decls p

let load_module ctx m p =
let m2 = load_module' ctx m p in
let m2 = load_module' ctx.g m p in
add_dependency ~skip_postprocess:true ctx.m.curmod m2;
if ctx.pass = PTypeField then flush_pass ctx.g PConnectField ("load_module",fst m @ [snd m]);
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ open Resolution
open Error

let create com macros =
let ctx = {
let rec ctx = {
com = com;
t = com.basic;
g = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ let create com macros =
do_format_string = format_string;
do_load_core_class = Typeload.load_core_class;
delayed_display = None;
root_typer = ctx;
m = {
curmod = null_module;
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