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change type parameter typing to something sensible
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Simn committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent f4bfd59 commit e4c607f
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Showing 4 changed files with 32 additions and 33 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/context/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ let check_display_class ctx decls c =
List.iter check_field c.cl_ordered_statics;
| _ ->
let sc = find_class_by_position decls c.cl_name_pos in
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType c.cl_path (fun() -> c.cl_params) null_pos sc.d_params);
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType c.cl_path null_pos sc.d_params);
List.iter (function
| (HExtends ptp | HImplements ptp) when display_position#enclosed_in ptp.pos_full ->
ignore(Typeload.load_instance ~allow_display:true ctx ptp ParamNormal)
Expand All @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ let check_display_class ctx decls c =

let check_display_enum ctx decls en =
let se = find_enum_by_position decls en.e_name_pos in
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType en.e_path (fun() -> en.e_params) null_pos se.d_params);
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType en.e_path null_pos se.d_params);
PMap.iter (fun _ ef ->
if display_position#enclosed_in ef.ef_pos then begin
let sef = find_enum_field_by_position se ef.ef_name_pos in
Expand All @@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ let check_display_enum ctx decls en =

let check_display_typedef ctx decls td =
let st = find_typedef_by_position decls td.t_name_pos in
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType td.t_path (fun() -> td.t_params) null_pos st.d_params);
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType td.t_path null_pos st.d_params);
ignore(Typeload.load_complex_type ctx true st.d_data)

let check_display_abstract ctx decls a =
let sa = find_abstract_by_position decls a.a_name_pos in
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType a.a_path (fun() -> a.a_params) null_pos sa.d_params);
ignore(Typeload.type_type_params ctx TPHType a.a_path null_pos sa.d_params);
List.iter (function
| (AbOver(ct,p) | AbFrom(ct,p) | AbTo(ct,p)) when display_position#enclosed_in p ->
ignore(Typeload.load_complex_type ctx true (ct,p))
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41 changes: 22 additions & 19 deletions src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -726,10 +726,10 @@ let load_type_hint ?(opt=false) ctx pcur t =
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* PASS 1 & 2 : Module and Class Structure *)

let rec type_type_param ctx host path get_params p tp =
let rec type_type_param ctx host path p tp =
let n = fst tp.tp_name in
let c = mk_class ctx.m.curmod (fst path @ [snd path],n) (pos tp.tp_name) (pos tp.tp_name) in
c.cl_params <- type_type_params ctx host c.cl_path get_params p tp.tp_params;
c.cl_params <- type_type_params ctx host c.cl_path p tp.tp_params;
c.cl_meta <- tp.Ast.tp_meta;
if host = TPHEnumConstructor then c.cl_meta <- (Meta.EnumConstructorParam,[],null_pos) :: c.cl_meta;
let t = TInst (c,extract_param_types c.cl_params) in
Expand All @@ -755,13 +755,25 @@ let rec type_type_param ctx host path get_params p tp =
) "default" in
Some (TLazy r)
let ttp = match tp.tp_constraints with
let ttp = mk_type_param c host default None in
c.cl_kind <- KTypeParameter ttp;

and type_type_params ctx host path p tpl =
let names = ref [] in
let param_pairs = (fun tp ->
if List.exists (fun name -> name = fst tp.tp_name) !names then display_error ("Duplicate type parameter name: " ^ fst tp.tp_name) (pos tp.tp_name);
names := (fst tp.tp_name) :: !names;
tp,type_type_param ctx host path p tp
) tpl in
let params = snd param_pairs in
let ctx = { ctx with type_params = params @ ctx.type_params } in
List.iter (fun (tp,ttp) ->
match tp.tp_constraints with
| None ->
mk_type_param c host default None
| Some th ->
let current_type_params = ctx.type_params in
let constraints = lazy (
let ctx = { ctx with type_params = get_params() @ current_type_params } in
let rec loop th = match fst th with
| CTIntersection tl -> (load_complex_type ctx true) tl
| CTParent ct -> loop ct
Expand All @@ -771,7 +783,7 @@ let rec type_type_param ctx host path get_params p tp =
(* check against direct recursion *)
let rec loop t =
match follow t with
| TInst (c2,_) when c == c2 ->
| TInst (c2,_) when ttp.ttp_class == c2 ->
raise_typing_error "Recursive constraint parameter is not allowed" p
| TInst ({ cl_kind = KTypeParameter ttp },_) ->
List.iter loop (get_constraints ttp)
Expand All @@ -782,18 +794,9 @@ let rec type_type_param ctx host path get_params p tp =
) in
delay ctx PConnectField (fun () -> ignore (Lazy.force constraints));
mk_type_param c host default (Some constraints)
c.cl_kind <- KTypeParameter ttp;

and type_type_params ctx host path get_params p tpl =
let names = ref [] in (fun tp ->
if List.exists (fun name -> name = fst tp.tp_name) !names then display_error ("Duplicate type parameter name: " ^ fst tp.tp_name) (pos tp.tp_name);
names := (fst tp.tp_name) :: !names;
type_type_param ctx host path get_params p tp
) tpl
ttp.ttp_constraints <- Some constraints;
) param_pairs;

let load_core_class ctx c =
let ctx2 = (match ctx.g.core_api with
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ let save_field_state ctx =

let type_function_params ctx fd host fname p =
let params = ref [] in
params := Typeload.type_type_params ctx host ([],fname) (fun() -> !params) p fd.f_params;
Typeload.type_type_params ctx host ([],fname) p fd.f_params

let type_function ctx (args : function_arguments) ret fmode e do_display p =
ctx.in_function <- true;
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12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -320,19 +320,19 @@ module ModuleLevel = struct
List.iter (fun d ->
match d with
| (TClassDecl c, (EClass d, p)) ->
c.cl_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType c.cl_path (fun() -> c.cl_params) p d.d_params;
c.cl_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType c.cl_path p d.d_params;
if Meta.has Meta.Generic c.cl_meta && c.cl_params <> [] then c.cl_kind <- KGeneric;
if Meta.has Meta.GenericBuild c.cl_meta then begin
if then raise_typing_error "@:genericBuild cannot be used in macros" c.cl_pos;
c.cl_kind <- KGenericBuild d.d_data;
if c.cl_path = (["haxe";"macro"],"MacroType") then c.cl_kind <- KMacroType;
| (TEnumDecl e, (EEnum d, p)) ->
e.e_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType e.e_path (fun() -> e.e_params) p d.d_params;
e.e_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType e.e_path p d.d_params;
| (TTypeDecl t, (ETypedef d, p)) ->
t.t_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType t.t_path (fun() -> t.t_params) p d.d_params;
t.t_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType t.t_path p d.d_params;
| (TAbstractDecl a, (EAbstract d, p)) ->
a.a_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType a.a_path (fun() -> a.a_params) p d.d_params;
a.a_params <- type_type_params ctx TPHType a.a_path p d.d_params;
| _ ->
die "" __LOC__
) decls
Expand All @@ -341,9 +341,7 @@ end
module TypeLevel = struct
let load_enum_field ctx e et is_flat index c =
let p = c.ec_pos in
let params = ref [] in
params := type_type_params ctx TPHEnumConstructor ([],fst c.ec_name) (fun() -> !params) c.ec_pos c.ec_params;
let params = !params in
let params = type_type_params ctx TPHEnumConstructor ([],fst c.ec_name) c.ec_pos c.ec_params in
let ctx = { ctx with type_params = params @ ctx.type_params } in
let rt = (match c.ec_type with
| None -> et
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