Release 0.10.1 (community release)
Use Java's file library for detecting symlinks instead of IDEA's.
Formatting: Prevent excess linefeed between doctyp and function.
Fix completion for for loop variables. (issue #511 )
Support for IDEA up through 2016.3.
Updated parsing for hxcpp 3.3 compiler error output.
Add support for type check syntax (expr : type). (issue #510 )
Fixed cursor not indented in class body after var or function declaration. (issue #492 , case 1)
Highlight "in" and "as" as keywords when they appear in import statements.
Highlight "in" as a keyword when it appears in a for statement. (issue #501 )
Add support for string literals as the keys in structures. (issue #498 )
Support @:native annotation for functions and variables. (issue #490 )
Stop using the classpath to auto-add external libraries to projects. (issues #477 #100 )
Fix re-ordering imports in certain situations. (issue #494 )
Fix 'never' setter. (issue #486 )
Change class paths for external libraries on OSX.
Fixed creating classes in TEST source roots
Fixed debug Flash on Haxe-compiler target
Fixed crash on MACRO_CLASS_LIST assert
@:deprecated support (issue #459 , #473 )
Alias imports support (issue #466 )
Imports optimization: reordering added (issue #471 )
Fixed typedef multiple extensions highlighting
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