Release candidate build for 0.11.0
911 commits
to master
since this release
- Better code completion using the compiler -- OFF BY DEFAULT! Turn on in File->Project Structure...
- Fix parsing of all compiler conditionals. (#417, #121, partly #115, and others)
- Fix parsing of one-liner conditional complation style (issue #417, #121, partly #115)
- Support for `@:require` haxe_ver comparing (issue #418)
- Support for `@:require` and `@:jsRequire` with multiple arguments
- Better handling of closing parens, brackets, quotes. (Issues #545, 546)
- Fix parsing when an anonymous function call is defined and immediately executed. (Issue #544)
- Fix library name parsing issues for haxelibs using non-standard paths.
- Resolve URLs properly when adding haxelibs.
- Updated Haxe logo bitmaps.