(TiVo version)
Includes all code from the ClassHierarchy branch.
Highlights: (community version, TiVo Release 4)
- Class Hierarchy view panels implemented. (Menu->Navigate->Type Hierarchy, et al)
- Better handling of import files.
- Better handling of Haxe language parsing, including many Haxe 3 features.
- Automatic detection and use of installed haxe libraries (using the 'haxelib' command).
- Better completion (Ctrl-space) using the Haxe compiler -- OpenFL projects only.
- Refactorings:
- Pull up members from class to super-class
- Pull up members from class to interface
- Split into declaration and assignment
- Optimize imports
- (community version, TiVo RC5)
- Refactoring: Pull up members from class to super-class
- Refactoring: Pull up members from class to interface
- Launch Haxe/Neko tests (Patch #131)
- (community version, TiVo RC4)
- Fixed issue 37 (Parser doesn't recover after new A)
- Fixed issue 95 (Local and class variable names resolving to similar package names)
- Fixed issue 132 (incorrect processing of duplicate imports)
- Fixed issue 134 (incorrect reformat of object and array children)
- Fixed reference resolution for expressions in parenthesis - otherwise, code assist does not work for those.
- Fixed: launching test with neko, overriding haxe build parameters for test run configuration, filtering test result output, compilation path of non test build, line number for ErrorFilter; and removed hard-coded path for ErrorFilter
- (community version, TiVo RC3)
- Fixed NPE causing the structure view to not populate, resulting from an errant merge.
- (community version, TiVo RC2)
- Resolve 'convenience' imports that do not export a class named similarly to the file. (TiVo Issue #55)
- Update unbalanced preprocessor token highlighting and detection.
- Improve indentation of comments and preprocessor macros.
- Update for Grammar-Kit
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for constructors and external functions.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) for code blocks; removed them from being valid syntax everywhere an expression can appear.
- Fixed syntax rules (BNF) to allow meta tags on typedefs.
- (community version, TiVo RC1+Fixes)
- Auto-indent when adding curly brackets now works correctly. Fixes github tivo/intellij-haxe Issue #119. (Thanks, Jérémy!)
- Fix IDE hang on completion for Haxe compiler completions.
- Fix auto-adding new import statements above package declaration and/or comments.
- Fix NPE when manually adding new import statements.
- Put debugging dialogs on the UI thread.
- Fix ArrayOutOfBounds exception when initializing haxelib cache.
- (community version, TiVo RC1)
- Fix NPE when colorizing.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Added timeout to long-running call hierarchy searches.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Fixed Haxe command-line debugger integration for OpenFL projects that are targetting C++ native runtime environments.
- Fixed method hierarchy runtime exceptions, and auto-scrolling to source.
- Fixed type hierarchy auto-scrolling to source.
- Enhanced run & debug output to be color-coded for improved readability.
- Fixed find-usages regression.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- More load-time optimizations using new 'haxelib list-path' command.
- Add package and file names to Type hierarchy window. (File names only display if the file name differs from the type name.)
- Fixed supertypes list in the combo view of the Type hierarchy window.
- Allow block statements everywhere.
- Allow array literals to have additional comma [1,]
- Moving a file from one package to another no longer displays "Unimplemented" and now moves the file, however references are not yet updated. Issue #88 -- still unresolved.
- Updated unit tests. Issues: #71, #68.
- Fix formatting for ">=", which is used be to reformatted to "> =". Issue
- Fix logic for HaxeIfSurrounder.java /testIf test case/
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Repaired resolving references to classes and variables.
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Further optimized load time for large projects.
- Run haxelib->Project/SDK/Module library dependency synchronization in the background.
- HXML completion: add parameters for compiler argument to presentable text of completion item
- Completion from Haxe compiler: parse function parameters and return type to generate completion item with parameters and return type
- Completion from Haxe compiler: format data from compiler replace "<" to "<" and ">" to ">"
- HaxeReferenceImpl.java getVariants(completion): Handle case when "var d:Array = []; d.|" when d is not resolved
- Add description to completion recived from Haxe compiler: HaxeMetaTagsCompletionContributor.java HXMLDefineCompletionContributor.java HXMLCompilerArgumentsCompletionContributor.java
- Preliminary Haxe compiler completion support (OpenFL only)
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Decreased time to load large projects considerably. Note that project loading is still on the UI thread, so it may appear to lock up for a short period of time. For very large projects, 90 seconds is not out of the ordinary.
- HXML completion: Provide available libraries list
- HXML completion: show installed haxelibs(also installed libs removed from available haxelibs list)
- Fix meta tag parsing issues
- HaxeMetaTagsCompletionContributor provides completion for meta tags
- Project Xml(NME, OpenFL project project) completion: show available and installed haxelibs
- SplitIntoDeclarationAndAssignment intention action
- (community version, TiVo WIP)
- Merged with version from the TiVo/master branch.
- Class Hierarchy partial implementation.
- SuperTypes work. Sub-types work within the same module.
- All recent changes from github.com/Jetbrains/intellij-haxe/master
- Support typedef optional parameters
- Support optional function types
- Eat compile-time conditional statements only (prevent eating conditional body as it was before)
- Fix multiple metas issue on class
- Highlight compile-time conditional statements if they don't have matching closing statements
- Remove "from" and "to" from keywords, instead highlight them only if they used in abstract declaration
- Prevent suggesting imports for using statements
- Resolve references that have full path to type/field
- Support function types, anonymous types as abstract type
- Automatically add and remove dependencies when project gets opened
- Remove ">=" and ">>=" tokens from lexer, instead parse ('>' '=') to avoid issues(https://github.com//issues/42)
- Support "inline" declaration attribute on local functions
- Suggest to import class on code paste
- Support macro expressions(including ECheckType)
The following sub-releases are included: