Fix local variable name suggestions to not clash with existing class fields.
Fix Introduce Variable refactoring to find all occurrences of the selected expression.
No longer block Java (and other) tests from running when Haxe
plugin is installed. (Issue #166 )
Resolve static function imports for import with in keyword.
("import String.fromCharCode in f;") (Issue #191 )
Give extern fields public visibility: 'function a()' will be treated
as 'public function a()' and will appear in completions.
Fix (un)comment multiple lines of code feature. (Issue #209 )
Support 'as' keyword in import statements.
Implemented Refactoring: Pull Members Up/Push Members Down
Support extern interfaces. (Issue #202 )
Fix visibility determination for methods. (Better completions)
Check for duplicate imports when copy/pasting.
Fix resolving classes that appear inside of an import file with a
different name than the class itself. Fixes goto declaration as well.
Fix colorizing identifiers (variable names) in code.
Fix Issue 162: "call(new x(), new x());" parse failure.
(Re)Allow "new" for extern and prototype function declarations.
Fixed IDEA freeze when XML is edited
Implemented Refactoring: Extract Superclass
Implemented Refactoring: Extract Interface
Implemented Refactoring: Push Members Down
Fixed OutOfBoundsException when resolving names.
Fix most unit tests.
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