STARLIGHT is an open source project aimed at creating unique mechanics and a pleasant game atmosphere in the game Space Station 14,
a game about survival on a space station where there are constant confrontations between the crew and antagonists created to prevent the crew from achieving their goals.
Space-Station 14 has docs site documentation on SS14s content, engine, game design and more. We also have lots of resources for new contributors to the project.
The repository code is licensed both under MIT - this applies to Space Wizards Federation code - and under its own license - this applies to our changes, defined in the text of LICENSE-STARLIGHT. We do not seek to fully distinguish our code from Space Wizards Federation code, so it is recommended to take their code from their repository to avoid incidents.
Some files are licensed under MIT license, these files are Space Wizards Federation code.
All other non-code STARLIGHT Assets, including icons and sound files, are licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license unless otherwise noted in the folder or file.
All code as well as STARLIGHT assemblies are protected by the STARLIGHT license.