This Redis Reactive Cache library brings reactive cache functionality to your Spring Boot WebFlux project
It is self Auto Configurable, all you need is to import it as dependency.
This library provides 4 annotations:
- stores cache after the method execution behind the scenes without blocking server response.@ReactiveCacheGet
- gets cache, if cache not available, it will execute the method and store the result (without blocking server response) in cache for future use.@ReactiveCacheUpdate
- removes cache without blocking, execute annotated method and store the result in cache (without blocking server response).@ReactiveCacheEvict
- removes cache without blocking.@ReactiveCacheFlushAll
- Flush all cache without blocking.
You can annotate your methods with any of them, and it will be automatically cached. All of those annotations has 2 arguments:
- cache key, either String or evaluated expressions started with#
(see in usage examples)useArgsHash
- default isfalse
, if you want to use the method arguments hash as cache key postfix,
set it totrue
. Very useful for collections parameters.
public class YourServiceClass {
@ReactiveCacheAdd(key = "<your_key>")
public Mono<TestTable> storeInDb(String name) {
//your reactive call to DB
// DBModel(name));
@ReactiveCacheAdd(key = "names", useArgsHash = true) //CacheKey will be: names_<hash_of_args>
public Flux<TestTable> storeMultipleInDb(List<String> names) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheGet(key = "#name") //CacheKey will be: value of name argument
public Mono<TestTable> getFromDb(String name) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheGet(key = "names", useArgsHash = true)
public Flux<TestTable> getMultipleFromDb(List<String> names) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheUpdate(key = "#testTable.getId().toString()")
public Mono<TestTable> updateDbRecord(DbModel dbModel) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheUpdate(key = "multiple")
public Flux<TestTable> updateMultipleDbRecords(List<DbModel> dbModels) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheEvict(key = "#testTable.getName()")
public Mono<Void> deleteDbRec(DbModel dbModel) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheEvict(key = "names", useArgsHash = true)
public Mono<Void> deleteMultipleDbRecs(List<DbModel> dbModels) {
//your reactive call to DB
@ReactiveCacheEvict(key = "nam*") //Evicts keys that start with 'nam' (uses [glob-style]( pattern)
public Mono<Void> deleteMultipleDbRecs(List<DbModel> dbModels) {
//your reactive call to DB
public Mono<Void> CleanUp() {
//your reactive call to DB
These annotations could be used directly on your Reactive Repository interface:
public interface yourReactiveRepo extends ReactiveCrudRepository<YourDBModel, PkType> {
@ReactiveCacheGet(key = "#somefield")
Mono<DbModel> FindBySomeField(String someField);
Redis connection properties are default Spring Boot properties
host: <your_redis_host>
port: <your_redis_port>
#Additional properties for this library
date_format: "dd-MM-yyyy"
time_format: "HH:mm:ss"
Additionally, you may define your RedisConnectionFactory Bean in the code the way you need it, but not required.
Note: requires running Docker for TestContainers
Just run:
./ <optional_build_version> <optional_gradle_action>
- Create new git tag
git tag x.y.z
git push origin x.y.z
- In GitHub, create a new released based on the created tag.
Special thanks goes to Bryksin for starting this project since there is no official alternative for the moment.