Suitkin is a Samurai UI toolkit and component library for building user interfaces in ClojureScript. It is inspires by the desing principles of Heath Samurai Team and provides a collection of reusable UI components that follow a consistent design system.
Suitkin provides a range of customizable and composable components, such as buttons, forms, modals, tables, and more. It is a work in progress, and the full list of components can be found on the Demo page
Follow the steps below to set up the HealthSamurai/Suitkin dependency in your project.
- Adding Dependency
Include the following dependency:
health-samurai/suitkin {:git/url ""
:sha "57eb93352f01bdbb6419e75d3c58cbae719ceb72"}
- Downloading Static File
Visit the releases page and download
- Unzipping the Static Files
After downloading the static file, extract the contents of the zip file into your project's public folder.
To use Suitkin components in your project, you need to require Suitkin components in your ClojureScript code. For example, to use the Button component:
(ns my-app.core
(:require [suitkin.core :as sk]
[suitkin.button :as button]))
(defn my-view []
[button/button {:label "Click me!"}]])
make init && make dev