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Ramona edited this page Jan 26, 2015 · 2 revisions

Here is a rough outline of the markup we are applying to the Fleurs Du Mal poems:

<div type="poem" subtype="sonnet or other poem type">
          <title type="main">TITLE OF THE POEM</title>
          <title type="sub">Use when there's a subtitle or dedication</title>
     <lg type="stanza" subtype="quatrain/etc" n="">
          <l n=""></l>

Here is an example of the first iteration of markup being applied to the Fleurs Du Mal text.

<!-- Requisite XML information. Encoding, namespace, and schemaa info.  -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<!-- TEI Header begins here... --> 
<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- Title element - insert name of poem. If tile starts with an article, leave it off in the title value
and include the title with the article in a rend attribute. -->
<title rend="La Prière d'un païen">Prière d'un païen</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<resp>Encoded by</resp>
<!-- Insert your name and XML ID - choose an XML ID for the project and stick with it! -->
<name xml:id="ZB">Zora Breeding</name>
<sponsor>Jean and Alexander Heard Library</sponsor>
<!-- Insert identification number. See the Editions Table 
to derive the numerical ID Code. -->
<!--insert id no in above element account to established format-->
<publisher>Jean and Alexander Heard Library</publisher>
<addrLine>Jean and Alexander Heard Library</addrLine>
<addrLine>419 21st Avenue South</addrLine>
<addrLine>Nashville, TN 37203</addrLine>
<witness xml:id="U1857">
<desc>1857 Unexpurgated</desc>
<title>Les Fleurs du Mal</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<publisher>Poulet-Malassis et De Broise</publisher>
<note>Original edition with condemned pieces</note>
<extent>248 p.</extent>
<witness xml:id="E1857">
<desc>1857 Expurgated</desc>
<title>Les Fleurs du Mal</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<publisher>Poulet-Malassis et De Broise</publisher>
<note>Original edition with condemned pieces removed</note>
<extent>248 p.</extent>
<witness xml:id="FDM1861">
<desc>1861 2nd edition censored</desc>
<title>Les Fleurs du Mal</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<publisher>Poulet-Malassis et De Broise</publisher>
<note>2nd edition augmented by 35 new poems and ornamented with a
portrait of the author drawn and engraved by Felix Bracquemond</note>
<extent> 319 p.</extent>
<witness xml:id="LE1866">
<desc>1866 Les Epaves xml:id="1866"</desc>
<title>Les Épaves</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<publisher>À L'Enseigne du Coq</publisher>
<note>According to the preface of the 1890 edition (Paris, A. Lemerre),
this is a false imprint, the book actually being published in Brussels
by Poulet-Malassis.</note>
<note>Includes condemned pieces removed from Fleurs du Mal: p.
<note>With a frontispeice etching by Félicien Rops</note>
<extent>163 p.</extent>
<witness xml:id="FDM1868">
<desc>1868 3rd edition - posthumous xml:id="1868"</desc>
<title>Oeuvres Complètes de Charles Baudelaire</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<editor>Théophile Gautier</editor>
<publisher>Michel Lévy Frères</publisher>
<note>Volume 1 contains Les Fleurs du Mal</note>
<extent>7 volumes</extent>
<!-- create witList in sourceDesc with the different editions and their bib data
1. 1857 Unexpurgated xml:id="U1857"
2. 1857 Expurgated xml:id="E1857"
3. 1861 2nd edition censored xml:id="FDM1861"
4. 1866 Les Epaves xml:id="1866"
5. 1868 3rd edition - posthumous xml:id="1868"
<p>The Project Gutenberg EBook of Les Fleurs du Mal, by Charles Baudelaire This eBook is
for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.
You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg
License included with this eBook or online at Title: Les Fleurs du
Mal Author: Charles Baudelaire Posting Date: September 11, 2012 [EBook #6099] Release
Date: July, 2004 First Posted: November 5, 2002 Language: French Character set
encoding: ISO-8859-1 </p>
<p>Produced by Tonya Allen, Julie Barkley, Juliet Sutherland, Charles Franks and the
Online Distributed Proofreading Team.</p>
<!-- TEI header ends, text section begins... -->

<!-- Here's what this poem looked like in the source before markup:  
<p> Ah! ne ralentis pas tes flammes; Réchauffe mon coeur engourdi, Volupté,
torture des âmes! _Diva! supplicem exaudi!_ </p>
<p> Déesse dans l'air répandue, Flamme dans notre souterrain! Exauce une âme
morfondue, Qui te consacre un chant d'airain. </p>
<p> Volupté, sois toujours ma reine! Prends le masque d'une sirène Faîte de
chair et de velours. </p>
<p> Ou verse-moi tes sommeils lourds Dans le vin informe et mystique, Volupté,
fantôme élastique! </p>

<!-- The div element is included in the source text. Retain this element and
add the type attribute. For the type attibute value use 'poem' unless the poem 
is a specific type like 'sonnet'. -->

<div type="sonnet">

<!-- Remove all p elements
Add head and title element -->

<title type="main">LA PRIERE D'UN PAÏEN</title>

<!-- Add lg element with type, subtype, and n attributes 
Add l elemnts with n attributes -->

<lg type="stanza" subtype="quatrain" n="1">
<l n="1">Ah! ne ralentis pas tes flammes;</l>
<l n="2">Réchauffe mon coeur engourdi,</l>
<l n="3">Volupté, torture des âmes!</l>
<l n="4">_Diva! supplicem exaudi!_ </l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="quatrain" n="2">
<l n="5">Déesse dans l'air répandue,</l>
<l n="6">Flamme dans notre souterrain!</l>
<l n="7">Exauce une âme morfondue,</l>
<l n="8">Qui te consacre un chant d'airain. </l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="tercet" n="3">
<l n="9">Volupté, sois toujours ma reine!</l>
<l n="10">Prends le masque d'une sirène</l>
<l n="11">Faîte de chair et de velours. </l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="tercet" n="4">
<l n="12">Ou verse-moi tes sommeils lourds</l>
<l n="13">Dans le vin informe et mystique,</l>
<l n="14">Volupté, fantôme élastique! </l>
<!-- After making up the poem in the source text, save the poem 
as an individual file. Save the file using the numeric code based on the Editions Table.
Add the TEI header from the template file. Replace values in header template
as appropriate.-->