This project contains the implementation (based on the MindSpore framework) of our work for semi-supervised semantic segmentation:
Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Prototype-based Consistency Regularization,
Hai-Ming Xu, Lingqiao Liu, Qiuchen Bian and Zhen Yang,
Accepted to NeurIPS 2022
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation requires the model to effectively propagate the label information from limited annotated images to unlabeled ones. A challenge for such a per-pixel prediction task is the large intra-class variation, i.e., regions belonging to the same class may exhibit a very different appearance even in the same picture. This diversity will make the label propagation hard from pixels to pixels. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach to regularize the distribution of within-class features to ease label propagation difficulty. Specifically, our approach encourages the consistency between the prediction from a linear predictor and the output from a prototype-based predictor, which implicitly encourages features from the same pseudo-class to be close to at least one within-class prototype while staying far from the other between-class prototypes. By further incorporating CutMix operations and a carefully-designed prototype maintenance strategy, we create a semi-supervised semantic segmentation algorithm that demonstrates superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods from extensive experimental evaluation on both Pascal VOC and Cityscapes benchmarks.
classic setting: Labeled images are selected from the train
set of original VOC, 1,464
images in total and the remaining 9,118
images are all considered as unlabeled ones.
Method | 1/16 (92) | 1/8 (183) | 1/4 (366) | 1/2 (732) | Full (1464) |
Supervised Only | 45.77 | 54.92 | 65.88 | 71.69 | 72.50 |
U2PL | 67.98 | 69.15 | 73.66 | 76.16 | 79.49 |
Ours (paper) | 70.06 | 74.71 | 77.16 | 78.49 | 80.65 |
Ours (this repo.) | 70.78 | 74.65 | 76.77 | 78.70 | 80.18 |
Labeled images are selected from the train
set, 2,975
images in total.
Method | 1/16 (186) | 1/8 (372) | 1/4 (744) | 1/2 (1488) |
Supervised Only | 65.74 | 72.53 | 74.43 | 77.83 |
U2PL | 70.30 | 74.37 | 76.47 | 79.05 |
Ours (paper) | 73.41 | 76.31 | 78.40 | 79.11 |
Ours (this repo.) | 73.99 | 77.10 | 78.58 | 79.55 |
Since the current MindSpore version is transfered from the checkpoint trained with the code implemented in Pytorch, inconsistent operator interfaces may lead to different precisions.
Checkpoints for VOC and CityScapes can be downloaded from the google driver and the folder orgaization is as follows
├── city
├── 183
└── semiseg_with_proto
└── checkpoints
├── 372
└── semiseg_with_proto
└── checkpoints
├── 744
└── ...
└── 1488
└── ...
├── voc
├── 92
└── semiseg_with_proto
└── checkpoints
├── 183
└── semiseg_with_proto
└── checkpoints
├── 366
└── ...
├── 732
└── ...
└── 1464
└── ...
The running environment is almost identical to the U2PL codebase and we further install the following lib for running the MindSpore framework
pip install --trusted-host -i
Please note that the mindspore 1.10.1 requires the cuda 10.1 and the cuDNN 7.6.x or 8.0.x.
The config files locate at experiments
folder, please enter correspoinding folders for evaluation:
cd experiments/cityscapes/186/ours
We thank the following U2PL codebase and AEL for their impressive work and open-sourced projects.
title={Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Prototype-based Consistency Regularization},
author={Hai-Ming Xu and Lingqiao Liu and Qiuchen Bian and Zhen Yang},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},