Program that paints Raster Images using Bison, Flex and C
Must be used on Linux with Bison and Flex installed.
Create Raster Images and paint them with shapes using commands.
Command | Description | Usage |
VAR | Creates a new variable Creates a new variable with a random value up to the indicated maximum |
VAR = value ; VAR = RAND INT ; |
NEW | Creates a new image with default color or given color | NEW dimension ; NEW dimension color ; |
SAVE | Saves the image | SAVE "FILENAME "; |
LOAD | Loads the image into memory | LOAD "FILENAME "; |
COLOR | Changes the default color | COLOR color ; |
REPEAT | Repeats commands a given number of times (the VAR must be a non existing one) |
REPEAT VAR IN [value ..value ] DO (any commands) END REPEAT';' |
POINT | Paints a point at a coordinate with default color or given color | POINT point ; POINT point color ; |
LINE | Paints a line starting and ending at different given coordinates with default color or given color | LINE point point ; LINE point point colot ; |
RECT | Paints a rectangle starting and ending at different given coordinates or starting at given coordinate with given size with default color or given color | RECT point pointOrDimension ; RECT point pointOrDimension color ; |
RECTFILL | Paints a filled rectangle starting and ending at different given coordinates or starting at given coordinate with given size with default color or given color | RECTFILL point pointOrDimension ; RECTFILL point pointOrDimension color ; |
CIRC | Paints a circle with center at given coordinate and given radius value with default color or given color | CIRC point value ; CIRC point value color ; |
POLYLINE | Paints a polyline with default color or given color Line between unlimited quantity of point 's (must be at least 2) |
POLYLINE polypoints ; POLYLINE polypoints color ; |
Expression | Description | Usage |
value | Value to be used in the execution of the command Can be an integer or a variable |
dimension | Dimension to be used in the execution of the command | value x value |
color | Color to be used in the execution of the command | value : value : value |
FILENAME | Name of the final image (must type ".pnm") | example.pnm |
point | Point to be used in the execution of the command x and y coordinates |
value , value |
pointOrDimension | Point or Dimension to be used in the execution of the command | dimension point |
polypoints | Point's to be used in the execution of the command | point point polypoints |
- Run
- Create a text file with the commands inside
- Run
./logo < filenameYouJustCreated
NEW 100x100;
COLOR 0:0:0;
POLYLINE 10,90 10,10 50,50 90,10 90,90;
SAVE "polyline.pnm";