ChessBot is a bot made for discord using library. It can be used to play chess with your friends. You can host it on your own server/computer and add new pieces easily without breaking anything
- Create a new application on Discord's Developper portal and create a new bot. Copy it's token, and save the application id for later.
- Clone the repository and create a new file "creds.txt". On the first line, paste your token, there should be no trailing space.
- Run using python 3.6+
- Invite your bot in your server by clicking on this link and changing APPLICATION_ID by your application id saved earlier.
- Go on your server and type !chess start @someone and replacing @someone by the mention of your desired enemy.
To move a piece, you have to specify the square of origin, and the square of destination.
Example: If I want to go from a2 to a4 with my pawn, I'll have to send a2 a4
To castle, the origin square is the king and the destination is the rook you want to castle with