I'm Henestrosa, a software developer driven by the excitement of turning ideas into practical, user-centered software solutions that focus on improving people's lives. I also enjoy sharing programming insights on my blog and playing guitar when I'm offline.
Here are some technical aspects that people are often curious about:
- My go-to web stack for dynamic websites is VILT (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, and Tailwind CSS). For static websites, I'm keen on Astro.
- Since my work focuses on mobile development, I'm "forced" to use Xcode and Android Studio, but I always enable Vim key bindings in both. For other platforms, I currently rely on Visual Studio Code with the VSCode Neovim plugin, along with other plugins. However, I'm seriously considering switching to Neovim once I find the time to configure it to my liking.
- For accessibility reasons, I use tabs instead of spaces for indentation, so I highly recommend checking your Github preferences > Choose the number of spaces a tab is equal to when rendering code.
- How to modify messages from unpushed commits
- Audiotext reached 100 stars!
- How to add the "Show project" button to a LinkedIn project
- How to use whenLoaded in Laravel API Resources
- How to use TFS source control in Android Studio in 2024