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Dockerfile and related stuff for

Because the main feature of dhcpy6d is its access to the requesting clients MAC addresses, it makes no sense to run inside an own container network.

How to use it

The work directory inside container is /dhcpy6d - the directory dhcpy6d is intended to be mounted as volume there. It should at least contain the file dhcpy6d.conf, which has to be configured according to For a simple test run the network interface should be set.

If SQLite is choosen as storage for the client leases the delivered /dhcpy6d/volatile.sqlite might be used.

As mentioned above - most useful when being run with --network host parameter or network_mode: host in docker-compose.yml file. Otherwise there is no way the client MAC addresses could be transmitted.

Attention: to really deliver addresses to clients the option really_do_it has to be set to yes. This is a safety measure to avoid chaos - there still is plenty of it.

docker run

A very simple call might be something like

# docker build -t dhcpy6d .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  197.1kB
Successfully tagged dhcpy6d:latest
# docker run -dit --rm --name dhcpy6d --network host -v $PWD/dhcpy6d:/dhcpy6d dhcpy6d:latest
2020-07-24 12:45:32,501 dhcpy6d INFO Starting dhcpy6d daemon...
2020-07-24 12:45:32,501 dhcpy6d INFO Server DUID: 000100015f1ad7ec02006649e70d
2020-07-24 12:45:32,510 dhcpy6d INFO Running as user dhcpy6d (UID 999) and group dhcpy6d (GID 999)
2020-07-24 12:45:32,511 dhcpy6d INFO Listening on interfaces: eth0


Even simpler is the use of docker-compose:

# docker-compose up
Building dhcpy6d
Creating dhcpy6d ... done
Attaching to dhcpy6d
dhcpy6d    | 2020-07-24 12:46:59,366 dhcpy6d INFO Starting dhcpy6d daemon...
dhcpy6d    | 2020-07-24 12:46:59,366 dhcpy6d INFO Server DUID: 000100015f1ad84302006649e70d
dhcpy6d    | 2020-07-24 12:46:59,376 dhcpy6d INFO Running as user dhcpy6d (UID 999) and group dhcpy6d (GID 999)
dhcpy6d    | 2020-07-24 12:46:59,382 dhcpy6d INFO Listening on interfaces: eth0