Updates to the BOINC-Docker system created by Marius Millea
- user-interface: Creates a web interface to allow users to submit jobs more easily. Designed for slow, personal interactions, not for APIs.
- api: Designed for large job batches.
- applications: Dockerized applications for BOINC usage, do not run in the server.
- stampede2-backend: Stampede2 connection, allows to establish a client for ieasier interaction with the server
To execute the jobs submitted through this server, download BOINC and Virtualbox if not installed already. Then, add the project using:
The server will automatically recognize your system as a volunteer and submit tasks when they are available.
Install Docker and Docker-compose in their most recent versions
Follow the installation instructions provided by boinc-server-docker
- Modify the docker-compose.yml to make it similar to the one provided in this repository. This updated compose file opens the ports necessary for API usage. The only changes needed are in the ports for mysql and apache containers.
- Most likely, this server will be installed on a cloud server. If that is the case, do not compose up directly. It is necessary to specify the IP of the system using the following syntax:
- If not using root, it is possible that an error appears about Docker not being able to connect to the daemon. If this is the case, use sudo to obtain root access, and use sudo for all docker and/or docker-compose commands.
URL_BASE=http://IP_ADDRESS docker-compose up -d
Wait a few seconds until the make_project container sets up the BOINC server and its mysql database This process is complete when a webpage is accessible on SERVER_IP/boincserver
Set-up basic administrative credentials
- Execute docker ps do obtain all the data about the BOINC containers. If the setup is done correctly, there is an apache container.
- Log into the apache container by using docker exec -it {apache container ID} bash
- Follow to the guide in BOINC HTMLOps to set -up an administrative account with .htpasswd
- .htpasswd is located in /root/project/html/ops
- Login into the administrative BOINC page at SERVER_IP/boincserver_ops with the username and password provided above
Clone this repository
- If git is not installed, do it by executing: apt-get update && apt-get install git-core -y
- If not already there, cd /root/project
- Clone via: git clone https://github.com/noderod/boinc-updates
- cd boinc-updates
Establish user email credentials
- Run the appropriate bash script to set up the email and password
- The basic set-up only allows for gmail, for all others, modify both ./api/preprocessing.py and ./email_assimilator.py
- Be sure to have input the correct name and password, to change them again, change /root/.bashrc
- The same applies to the Docker, MIDAS credentials
- Log out of the container and in again so the changes take effect Do:
bash password_credentials.sh
bash dockerhub_credentials.sh
docker exec -it {APACHE SERVER} bash
- Run the setup file
- It will install all the necessary packages, python libraries, set-up the internal Redis database, properly locate the files, set-up the APIs, Reef cloud storage, and automatic job processing
- The set-up file will also automatically prompt to enter the credentials for the email. Use caution, since an error would require to manually fix the /root/.bashrc file
cd /root/project/boinc-updates
bash red_setup.sh
- Create user tokens
- A new token must be assigned to each new user (researcher who wants to submit BOINC jobs)
- Tokens allow access to manual job submission, APIs and Reef cloud storage
- For more instructions on Reef usage, go to the api README in this repository
- For more instructions on supplying tokens through organizations, check the API documentation
- To do this:
- A new token must be assigned to each new user (researcher who wants to submit BOINC jobs)
cd /root/project/html/user/token_data
python3 create_token.py FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME EMAIL ALLOCATION (Optional) (GB)
- Disconnecting the APIs, including Reef:
- Disconnecting the APIs will not delete any files currently saved in Reef
cd /root/project
./API_Daemon.sh -down
- Pulling the APIs up again:
cd /root/project
./API_Daemon.sh -up
- I just submitted a job and it does not appear in the results ops page
- boinc-docker-server needs to download the images before any further processing is done. For large images (> 1 Gb) this process can take time if the server has a low amount of RAM.