A small and lightweight app for searching in TMDB (The Movie Database)
Browse movies here
The following pages are available on the site:
On the main page, you will be presented with a search bar. Type in any movie name or name fragment and press
the search icon or hit enter
From the results, click on any title and you'll be navigated to the details
The selected movie will be displayed with additonal informations on the screen.
You can navigate to the movie's wikipedia or IMDB page by clicking their logos at the bottom of the info panel.
By clicking the Show similar movies
button, a list of similar movies will load below the info panel. You can hide it
with the Hide similar movies
Clicking the floating search
icon in the bottom-right corner will bring you back to the main
- As of right now, there is no pagination on the results. The page shows the top results only
- Request per user should be limited somewhat to prevent attacks
- Better error handling is needed for production
- Tests are needed
- Wikipedia searches are pretty bad. Should be improved