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Set iLO NTP servers

Jack Garcia edited this page Apr 2, 2016 · 1 revision

If not created already, create an instance of Rest or Redfish Object using the RestObject or RedfishObject class respectively. The class constructor takes iLO hostname/ ip address, iLO login username and password as arguments. The class also initializes a login session, gets systems resources and message registries.

Rest Object creation:

REST_OBJ = RestObject(iLO_host, login_account, login_password)

Redfish Object creation:

REDFISH_OBJ = RedfishObject(iLO_host, login_account, login_password)

Example 29: Set iLO NTP servers

The method ex29_set_ilo_ntp_servers takes an instance of rest object ( or redfish object if using Redfish API ) and NTP server list as arguments. The method doesn't work if SNTP configuration is currently managed by DHCP and is therefore read-only.

def ex29_set_ilo_ntp_servers(restobj, ntp_servers):

Find and get the system resource for iLO date time.

instances = restobj.search_for_type("HpiLODateTime.")

Send HTTP GET request to iLO date time URI.

for instance in instances:
   response = restobj.rest_get(instance["href"])

Prepare the PATCH request body with NTP server list provided.

body = {"StaticNTPServers": ntp_servers}

Perform PATCH request and check response.

response = restobj.rest_patch(instance["href"], body)
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