Releases: HewlettPackard/python-ilorest-library
What's New:
Enabled the iLO7 support.
A New command appaccount command is introduced which lets the user to manage the application accounts in iLO and TPM.
A New command channelinterface command is introduced with option reset which would let the user to reset all chif channels.
A New command detectilo command is introduced which lets the user know the iLO generation of the currently logged in server.
Fixed issues with createvolume command options quickdrive and customedrive related issues w.r.t iLO 5 and IOPerfModeEnabled related issue w.r.t iLO 6. Also fixed the issue of extra or incorrect drives getting filtered while creation.
Fixed an issue with ServerInfo command where prossesorID was not getting populated in the response.
Fixed an issue with firmwareupdate command where the .lpk component was not getting flashed.
Fixed an issue with the save command where the selector HpeBiosMapping did not return desired result.
Fixed issues with the storagecontroller command where the options save and load did not save or load anything. Also fixed an issue where the options state did not return any response.
Enhanced the flashfwpkg command to support decoupled metadata structure for FWPKG components.
Enhanced login command with new option no_app_account which would let the user to perform login operation without application account via VNIC.
This version of the iLOrest supports below operating systems
Microsoft Windows Server 2025
Microsoft Windows Server 2022
Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Server
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
VMWare ESXi v8.0
Fixed an issue with the bootorder command . New boot order was not set properly.
Fixed an issue with the esxcli utility in ESXI 8.0.
Fixed an issue with the certificate command . In some cases, the --getcsr option was throwing an exception.
Fixed an issue with the ethernet command where --nameservers option was not accepting three name servers as it should.
Fixed an issue with the select command . RDE controller information was not listing when executing list members --select StorageControllerCollection. --json .
Fixed an issue with the flashfwpkg command . The command was not printing the returned iLO error message when the option --tpmover was supplied.
Fixed an issue with the flashfwpkg command .The command was not working with some directly connected drives or connected behind a storage controller.
Fixed an issue with the rawget command . The command was not displaying the returned iLO error code when a non-existent URL was supplied as input.
Enhanced the flashfwpkg command to support and flash type B components .
Enhanced the flashfwpkg command to flash direct attached drive components correctly.
Full Changelog: v5.2.0.0...v5.3.0.0a
Fixed an issue with the save command. The command was not working for multisave subcommand.
Fixed a github issue with set command. logout was not working as expected.
Fixed a github issue with set command. IPv4Addresses setting was not as expected.
Fixed an issue with rawpost command and rawpatch command, command was throwing exception when .txt file was sent as input
Support for third party firmware images .pup, .fpb, .hpb enabled in both inband as well out of band communication for flashfwpkg command
Fixed an issue with the installset command. The output of this command was returning unwanted response in it prior to the fix.
Fixed multiple issues with the Get command. EthernetNetworkInterface and Power types were wrongly displayed before the fix.
Enhanced to support 8 multiple parallel inband operations or command executions.
Sles 15 Sp6 support has been enabled
- Fixed an issue with
where the output wasn’t displaying the license key appropriately. - Fixed an issue with
where the output wasn’t displaying the thermal config information. - Fixed an issue with
where output was empty even when configuration is present. - Fixed an issue with
option , where the file was skipped for execution even when option is specified. - Fixed an issue with
[command] where the output displayed had misplaced data for CD and Floppy media types. - Fixed an issue with
[command] where the output was different in local mode for credential and non-credential modes. - Fixed an issue with
[command] where the output was empty for invalid Controller and Volume IDs. - Fixed an issue with
[command] where AHS download in Intelligent Provisioning environment was failing.
[command] to check for server power state before issuing a reboot . -
PyPI package is built for RESTFul Interface Tool . It can be installed on any x86_64 system wherever python3 is installed. It would work the same as installing from rpm or msi.
RESTFul Interface Tool PyPI package is available at ARM system support will be announced in future releases.
Fixed an issue with Serverclonecommand load where recoverypriviledge updation for iLO user accounts had an issue.
Fixed an issue with ServerInfocommand power option,where powersupply data was incomplete.
Fixed an issue with MakeInstallsetcommand by correcting the input json format.
Fixed an issue with IscsiConfigcommand where changing the iscsi boot network interface failed.
Fixed an issue with Installset command where add and remove of recovery install set threw exception.
Fixed an issue with MakeInstallsetcommand to correct the response to include firmware version.
Fixed an issue with Ethernetcommand where setting iPv4 address failed.
Fixed an issue with Uploadcompcommand wrong error code return in high security mode.
Fixed an issue with Directorycommand ldap --addrolemap where customer faced issue with adding customised privileges.
Fixed an issue with the tool execution on Sles 15 SP2 and RHEL with OpenSSL 3.
Fixed an issue with Taskqueuecommand -r where removal of recovery task in fips mode ,error.
Fixed an issue with iloresetcommand, listcommand, savecommand where commands were not able to locate the service.
Fixed an issue with AHS log filename to have vendor name along.
Fixed an issue w.r.t sha 256 signing in case of iLOrest linux product.
Fixed an issue with the flashfwpkg command where locked components were not flashing.
Fixed an issue with list --json --selector HpeSecurityService. not displaying in JSON format. Same is fixed with get command as well.
Device discovery checks in flashfwpkg command are removed as it is taken care by iLO.
Fixed an issue with firmwareupdate command failing with error code 41 (FIRMWARE _ UPDATE _ ERROR) when server enabled with TPM.
Fixed as issue where ilorest rpm not installing on FIPS enabled Linux OS.
Enhanced the ethernet command with new option --force_network_config to apply iLO network configuration.
Enhanced flashfwpkg command with --targets option for targetted firmware update feature.
Upgraded OpenSSL from version 1.0.2zf to 3.0.12.
Fixed an AHS download issue in local in-band mode in the serverlog command .
Fixed an issue where powercap is not able to be set.
Fixed an issue with createvolume command options quickdrive and customedrive w.r.t iLO5.
Fixed an issue with deletevolume command w.r.t iLO5.
Fixed an issue in the serverclone command where iLO account changes were not cloned.
Fixed an issue where securityservice instance was not found occasionally.
Fixed an issue with storagecontroller command was not working when resources were not loaded in iLO.
Enhanced the load command with new option --force _ network _ config to apply iLO network configuration.
Fixed an issue in directory where option --addrolemap role delimiter was not working.
Fixed an unhandled error when flashfwpkg command executed with --update_srs for a user without the Recovery Set Privilage.
Included a message in drivesanitize command for HPE iLO 5 for not supporting drivereset and status features.
Enhanced flashfwpkg to flash the firmwares of type .HPB (HPE signed Public Binary)
Added support for RHEL 9.2 ARM64 Operating System.
Fixed an issue where serverinfo command did not return memory and cpu information in Gen9 servers. Note memory capacity is still not printed.
Fixed an issue in directory ldap command where search domain delimiter was not working.
Fixed issues with createvolume command not working with HPE iLO 5 with Storage URI.
Included a message in drivesanitize command for HPE iLO 5 for not supporting drivereset and status features.
Enhanced flashfwpkg and uploadcomponent commands to handle both direct attached drives as well as controller connected drives.
Added support for TFA (Two Factor Authentication) for remote out-of-band login.
Added a new return code 85 when iLO is busy and sends back resource not ready message.
Added support for deletion of JBOD volumes before creating RAID volumes.
Migrated HPE iLOrest documentation from slate to redocly.